Fellowship opportunities


Funded extensions to intermediate fellowships

You can request a funded extension to your MRC Career Development Award (CDA) or Clinician Scientist Fellowship (CSF) award if your research momentum has been impacted by multiple issues.

Eligibility for a funded extension

To be eligible, you must be in the final 12 months of your CDA or CSF award.

You should be able to demonstrate evidence:

  • of your productivity
  • your career trajectory towards research leadership
  • that you will not achieve the outputs needed to be competitive at the next funding stage by the end of your fellowship due to genuine mitigating circumstances

Funding available

Funding is available to support:

  • 50% of your salary
  • salaries of existing staff members
  • a small consumables budget
  • estates and indirects

Funded extensions are intended to support your transition to independence through the completion of your original fellowship aims. Funding is not available for entirely new projects or any outputs not related to the overall aims of your fellowship.

Host research organisation commitment

Your host research organisation must contribute at least 50% of your salary for the duration of the proposed extension.

We expect your host research organisation to commit to offering you an open-ended position by the end of your extension, in line with their policies. A statement from your head of department, confirming this, is required as part of your application.

Request a funded extension

This additional funding has previously been delivered via the Transition Support scheme which is currently under review. In the interim, this support will be administered through our Post Award Amendment (PAA) process.

To request a funded extension, you should submit a grant maintenance request through the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system, briefly outlining your request. Include ‘Transition Support PAA’ at the top of your request.

You will then be sent a detailed application form for completion.

Your application will be assessed by members of MRC Training and Career Development Panels and MRC Head Office as appropriate.

Requests should be submitted at least three months before the current end date of your fellowship, to allow time for it to be assessed.

If you have any questions about funded extensions

Email: fellows@mrc.ukri.org

Routine extensions

For routine extensions to your fellowship, for example for parental leave or a delay in appointing suitable staff, refer to Requesting a change to your project.

Last updated: 26 November 2024

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