Centres for Doctoral Training: terms and conditions

All EPSRC training grants are subject to terms and conditions. There are two types of terms and conditions, UKRI’s training grant terms and conditions, and the EPSRC grant conditions. Both types of conditions apply to the grant.

On offer letters, the EPSRC grant conditions are under the heading Grant Conditions and the UKRI’s training grant terms and conditions are under the heading Scheme Conditions.

UKRI training grant conditions

The current UKRI training grant terms and conditions get updated periodically. EPSRC would expect research organisations to uphold the current UKRI training grant terms and conditions where it doesn’t contradict the grant specific conditions.

EPSRC grant conditions

GAC 01 funding opportunity conditions

1) Notwithstanding the requirements in TGC 3 Responsibilities of the research organisation, across the centre, at least 50% of the research training offered must be relevant to the vision and training needs described within the ‘Applications and Implications of Artificial Intelligence’ or ‘Enabling Intelligence’ priority areas, or both. All projects must contribute to the centre’s overall vision.

2) This centre must support at least 50 four-year doctoral studentships over its lifetime. This grant will only support the studentship costs (stipend, fee, individual project costs) for a proportion of these. The cost of supporting the remaining students must be underwritten by the institutions partnering on this grant (even if the intention is for the funding to be sourced from a third party (such as the project partner)). The equivalent number of students for which the studentship costs can be claimed from this grant (and the number to be underwritten) is specified under Grant Additional Information.

3) The additional studentship costs must be provided from non-UKRI sources. This must include expenditure equivalent to 10 students’ four-year fees, and 10 students’ four-year stipends.

4) The training programme must include Responsible Innovation training.

GAC 02 Progression including Masters Courses

Students must be informed, in a timely manner, of any conditions placed upon their progression through their doctoral studentship. The requirements for progression must be the same for all of the CDT students in the centre, across all sites.

In general, we would expect students to be recruited to a four-year doctoral studentship. Where the CDT operates a ‘1+3’ model, CDT students may be initially recruited to a one-year Masters course (for example MRes) but must be automatically given a subsequent three-year CDT doctoral studentship if they satisfy the CDT’s requirements of that Masters course (meaning they must not be required to apply separately for the doctoral component of the CDT).

As stated in the UKRI guidance, it is expected that projects are planned in such a way that it is possible (and generally expected) for a student to write up within the funded four-year studentship.

GAC 03 Naming and branding

In addition to TGC 15 Publication and Acknowledgement of Support, centre grants must be titled ‘UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in…’ This title should be used, along with the UKRI logo, prominently on all materials (including posters) and websites. Where a name and logo for a centre has already been developed, reference to the full title of the centre should be included within the text and logos should be prominently displayed. Reference to UKRI must be made in any written text such as press releases or published documents. Further details and UKRI branding guidelines can be found on the UKRI website.

GAC 04 Involvement of the UKRI Council(s)

The UKRI Council(s) will nominate a Project Officer(s) who will be the UKRI Council(s) contact. The Project Officer must be represented on (and be invited to (with sufficient notice)) the appropriate management or steering group and should receive all minutes of the management or steering groups.

In addition to the Project Officer, the EPSRC Building Leadership team will provide a central point of contact and coordination as appropriate on behalf of UKRI.

GAC 05 Monitoring progress and dissemination

The UKRI Council(s) reserve(s) the right to call for periodic information on progress (including annual monitoring and interim financial reporting), or to visit the centre or management team, or both. Where information is requested the centre should take all reasonable steps to provide this in a timely manner.

The Principal Investigator and representatives from the Student Cohorts may also be asked to attend meetings to exchange information and ideas with colleagues from other Centres for Doctoral Training or similar. The Principal Investigator and Student Cohorts must make all reasonable efforts, if so invited, to attend events or activities organised by the UKRI Council(s), with appropriate travel funds to be found from the announced training grant resources.

In line with TGC13 (Monitoring and Information Requirements) in addition to providing information on UKRI funded and CDT incorporated students via Je-S studentship details, research organisations will also be required to make returns to EPSRC (on behalf of UKRI) giving details of the students leveraged from additional sources.

UKRI reserves the right to instigate a formal review of the grant close to the mid-term point of the centre’s activities or when concern are raised. Depending upon the outcome, UKRI may request amendments to the centre, formulation of an action plan to be agree with the UKRI Council, or adjustments to the financial resources.

GAC 06 Collaboration agreements

Where the grant is associated with more than one research organisation or other project partners, or both, the basis of collaboration between the organisations, including the allocation of resources throughout the grant (or individual student project as appropriate) and ownership of intellectual property and rights to exploitation, is expected to be set out in a formal collaboration agreement. It is the responsibility of the lead research organisation (to whom this grant is issued) to put such an agreement in place before the relevant centre activity or project begins. The terms of collaboration agreements must not conflict with the research councils’ terms and conditions.

GAC 07 Part-time students

Part time CDT students must be recognised as members of the student cohort. They should be given the support to enable them to benefit from the cohort training and wider centre activities. We would expect them to be able to engage in activities beyond their individual research projects.

Where the part-time studies of a student will require them to work beyond the original end date of the grant, EPSRC (on behalf of UKRI) will allow a no-cost extension to the grant. The Principal Investigator must request this, via Je-S, when the arrangement is agreed with the student. During the extension period expenditure will be restricted to the studentship costs of the part-time student (stipend, fee, and individual project costs) with no further expenditure allowed such as centre delivery or coordination costs, even if this would not exceed the original award value.

GAC 08 UKRI, incorporated, and aligned students

UKRI CDT students

These students must receive at least 50% of their studentship costs (meaning half of the total combined cost of their stipend, fee, and individual project costs) from the CDT grant. These students should be recorded through Je-S Studentship Details. In addition to studentship costs, costs associated with cohort training and activities may be charged to the grant for these students.

Incorporated students

Incorporated studentship awards are those relating to the non-UKRI leveraged funds of the CDT. The UKRI training grant terms and conditions will apply to these students with the exception of the residency-based eligibility prior to the start of the studentship. These students should be recorded through Je-S Studentship Details.

Centre delivery costs for example core training and CDT cohort activities costs, may be incurred in relation to Incorporated Students and charged to the grant. No studentship costs may be charged. Incorporated Students must receive the same experience and support as UKRI CDT Students. For example, provision for additional support such as Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA), parental leave (in any of its forms), or sickness must be made. These additional costs should be the responsibility of the studentship funder.

Aligned students

Aligned Students are those with an award that is not reliant on CDT funding (UKRI or the leveraged funds) but who are nonetheless benefitting from CDT activities (an example would be a DTP supported student participating in CDT activities/training). Unless they are funded from another UKRI training grant, the UKRI training terms and conditions do not apply. Where they are supported by another UKRI grant any requests for additional costs/support such as parental leave, sickness, or DSA must be linked to that other training grant. No costs associated with Aligned Students may be charged to the CDT grant (though where their participation in a CDT activity does not increase costs, all of the activity’s costs may be charged to the grant). Any additional costs resulting from the inclusion of aligned students should be covered from elsewhere such as the student’s funding source. They must not be recorded through Je-S in association with the CDT grant.

GAC 09 International students

UKRI CDT students

Across EPSRC training awards within an institution, the research organisation may choose to provide open eligibility for up to 10% of the students starting in an academic year. While awarded on behalf of UKRI, institutions may allocate a proportion of this CDT award to support the very best students of all nationalities, without the normal residency eligibility restrictions applying. Details of the students funded through this flexibility must be reported through Je-S Studentship Details as ‘International Doctoral Scholars (IDS grant)’ and the student record linked to the CDT grant. The institution may not receive an overseas level fee, from any source, for students accepted through this flexibility, meaning the fee must be discounted to the home level.

Incorporated students

Overseas fees can be charged where associated with Incorporated Students. However, students must not be charged any part of their fee, including the difference between the home and overseas fee levels, nor should they bear any responsibility for finding a funder to pay the fee (including any overseas element) on their behalf.

GAC 10 Student complaints

A complaints procedure must be in place and published in a way that students can find and follow it. Centres may use existing procedures but, particularly for multisite centres, it must be explicit to which institution a student raises a complaint and the scope of the complaints procedure. It is expected that routes exist for complaints or appeals, or both, from unsuccessful applicants. Where a complaint is upheld and involves the management of the centre, EPSRC (on behalf of UKRI) should be informed.


GAC 01 Naming and branding

Centre grants must be titled ‘EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Decarbonisation of the built environment’. This title should be used, along with the EPSRC logos, prominently on all materials (including posters) and websites. Where a name and logo for a centre has already been developed externally reference to the full title of the centre should be included within the text and logos should be prominently displayed. Reference to the research council must be made in any written text such as press releases or published documents. Further details and EPSRC branding guidelines can be found on the EPSRC website.

GAC 02 Involvement of the research council

The research council will nominate a Project Officer who will be the research council contact. The Project Officer must be represented on (and be invited to) the appropriate management or steering group and should receive all minutes of the management or steering groups.

GAC 03 Monitoring progress and dissemination

While it is the responsibility of the research organisation to manage the centre training grant, the research council reserves the right to call for periodic information on progress or to visit the centre or management team, or both.

The Principal Investigator and representatives from the Student Cohorts may also be asked to attend meetings to exchange information and ideas with colleagues from other Centres for Doctoral Training or similar. The Principal Investigator and Student Cohorts must make all reasonable efforts, if so invited, to attend events or activities organised by the research council concerning such dissemination events, with appropriate travel funds to be found from the announced training grant resources.

The research organisations will also be required to make returns to EPSRC giving details of the students trained through the centre and the various sources of funding.

The research Council will undertake reviews throughout the duration of the centre, for which any necessary additional information must be provided in a timely manner.

GAC 04 Collaboration agreements

Where the grant is associated with more than one research organisation or other project partners, or both, the basis of collaboration between the organisations, including the allocation of resources throughout the project and ownership of intellectual property and rights to exploitation, is expected to be set out in a formal collaboration agreement. It is the responsibility of the research organisation to put such an agreement in place before the research begins. The terms of collaboration agreements must not conflict with the research councils’ terms and conditions.

Arrangements for collaboration or exploitation, or both, must not prevent the future progression of research and the dissemination of research results in accordance with academic custom and practice. A temporary delay in publication is acceptable in order to allow commercial and collaborative arrangements to be established.

GAC 05 Addendums to the standard conditions of training grants

In relation to Section D – Use of Funds (TGC 5 -Use of Funds and TGC 6 – Student Eligibility), the research organisation should make every effort to meet the research council standard expectations in order to be comparable with all other EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training, while recognising the unique situation of the centre.

In relation to Section F – Financial Reporting, Inspection and Sanctions (TGC 8 – Annual Statement and TGC 9 – Expenditure Statements), the research organisation should be aware that the Annual Statement and Final Expenditure Statement will be waived and will not be required.

For TGC11 (Sanctions), while the research council is unable to apply financial sanctions, EPSRC reserves the right to terminate the grant should results of evaluations or reviews make such a recommendation.

Last updated: 27 July 2023

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