Early career researchers: career and skills development


Ways to develop your career at an early stage

You can develop your career through opportunities to undertake Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded research or broadening your knowledge with training.

Funding and training

You could consider applying for one of the following open-ended funding opportunities:

  • AHRC catalyst awards, supporting researchers without prior experience of leading a significant research project to accelerate their career trajectory as independent researchers
  • AHRC curiosity awards, supporting fundamental research that leads to new research agendas, networking activity and idea generation
  • Daphne Jackson fellowships, a funding opportunity aimed at researchers returning from a career break and also open to ECRs
  • Future Leaders Fellowships, a funding opportunity aimed at early career researchers and innovators who are either transitioning to or establishing independence, or developing their own original and ambitious plans within a commercial setting

All AHRC and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding opportunities are available on the Funding Finder.

Search funding opportunities.

All funding opportunities have specific eligibility criteria, and it is important to refer to the scheme information to check that you are eligible to apply.

To ensure you see these opportunities as they arise, we recommend that you monitor our website and social media feeds, and sign up for the AHRC newsletter.

Applying for funding

The AHRC research funding guide includes information about our expectations regarding researcher development. Please refer to it when applying to our schemes.

Short courses

We offer a three-day course to help researchers understand the government policymaking process and apply it to research. Visit Engaging with Government for more information.

What you can do to aid your development

Take advantage of the following ways to aid and enhance your development in your day-to-day role.

Consider skills and opportunities

Take time to look at your own research skills and wider skills. Identify your skills, consider which ones are transferable, and establish developmental needs and goals.

Look for career development and training opportunities within and beyond academia.

Work with others

Work hand in hand with:

  • your line manager
  • your mentor, if you have access to one
  • peers and partners within and beyond your higher education institution if opportunities for skills and impact development arise – building networks helps in developing a career

Keep a record of the things you’ve done

Keep a record of your training and development to add to your CV, and include it in funding applications where relevant.

Keep an open mind

Keep an open mind when planning your next career move. The arts and humanities expertise you have can be beneficial in a vast range of roles and sectors.

Last updated: 6 June 2024

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