Area of investment and support

Area of investment and support: Transformative Technologies

The Transformative Technologies theme supports developments in tools, technologies and approaches that enable researchers to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and increase the impact of their research.

Partners involved:
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

The scope and what we're doing

Technologies are vital in advancing bioscience research and innovation, accelerating the pace of discovery, and providing new opportunities for business and innovative ways to tackle health, environmental and productivity challenges.

The Transformative Technologies theme is contributing to the ‘Advancing the frontiers of bioscience discovery’ theme within the Forward Look for UK Bioscience.

The programme covers five main thematic areas:

  • technology development
  • data-intensive bioscience
  • artificial intelligence
  • engineering biology
  • bioimaging

Technology development

World-class bioscience is critically dependent on new technologies, methodologies, and resources. Broader access to advanced tools supports the democratisation of bioscience, and disruptive technologies can open transformative opportunities for research and business innovation.

BBSRC supports and invests in technology development in all its life stages, from catalysing the next generation of research technologies to driving forward their application and commercialisation.

Find out more about Technology development for the biosciences

Data-intensive bioscience

The volume and complexity of biological data is growing. Bioscience researchers are now regularly employing computationally dependent analysis and modelling approaches to process data at scale, while also increasingly benefitting from data access and re-use to accelerate discovery.

Underpinning bioscience as a data-intensive discipline is research data management, the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) and open data.

Find out more about Data-intensive bioscience

Artificial intelligence

BBSRC is supporting the development of new artificial intelligence (AI) approaches relevant to bioscience, and application or adaptation of existing AI approaches that can lead to high-quality and transformative research outcomes.

There is substantial potential for AI to shape science by allowing our researchers to tackle problems that previously have proved impossible to solve, accelerating the discovery process, and transforming research practices in the bioscience community.

Find out more about Artificial intelligence in bioscience

Engineering biology

Engineering biology is an interdisciplinary field which encompasses the wider capabilities of the biosciences, engineering and the physical sciences to support the exploitation of breakthrough synthetic biology research to translation and application.

Globally acknowledged as a disruptive technology of major importance, engineering biology is predicted to have far-reaching economic, societal and technological advancements over the coming decade.

To maximise the full potential of engineering biology, the UKRI research councils work hand in hand with national and international partners across governments, academia and industry to drive this critical technology forward.

Find out more about Engineering biology


Bioimaging is a dominant form of analysis across all scales of bioscience. Bioimaging technologies cut across all areas of BBSRC’s remit, from molecules, cells and tissues to whole plants, animals and larger environments such as fields, all supported by increasingly sophisticated image analysis approaches.

As a key enabler of world-class discovery science and potent driver of the UK bioeconomy through technology development and commercialisation, bioimaging is an area of significant interest for BBSRC.

Technicians and technology and skills specialists

While the outlined five themes encompass the current main activities within Transformative Technologies, the team also provides expertise in supporting and promoting technical skills that are key to enabling new discoveries.

Research technicians and technology and skills specialists (research technology professionals) cover a diverse range of roles that are fundamental and key to the future of technology development and the biosciences. Their talent for innovation, expert knowledge and technical competence is central to the field.

UKRI is a signatory of the Technician Commitment, intended to champion technical careers in research and innovation.

In the UKRI people and teams action plan we lay out how, as a funder, employer and policy organisation, we will work towards ensuring visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians working in research and innovation organisations.

Why we're doing it

Cutting-edge bioscience is critically dependent on the availability of modern research infrastructure and the adoption of new ways of working. The emergence and exploitation of disruptive technologies can open transformative new opportunities for research and business innovation.

Our support for the development and application of new technologies will expand the toolkit of cutting-edge genetic, omics, imaging, sensing, data-science and biophysical technologies. We work closely with research councils across UKRI to drive convergence and integration between the biosciences, engineering, and physical sciences, and accelerate the translation of fundamental research into practical application, including commercialisation.

Bioscience is increasingly data-rich, and we support the development of computational and mathematical approaches to derive maximum value from complex data. BBSRC fully supports FAIR data principles, and that data must include appropriate metadata.

Opportunities, support and resources available

Through the delivery of targeted initiatives BBSRC continues to support emerging areas within Transforming Technologies themes and ensures researchers are able to take advantage of the latest cutting-edge developments

The following recurring opportunities support transformative technologies in the biosciences. The funding finder provides more information on current opportunities.

Bioinformatics and Biological Resources Fund (BBR)

BBSRC recognises the UK bioscience community need for access to state-of-the-art bioinformatics and biological infrastructure, facilities, and resources, in order to facilitate ground-breaking research in an internationally competitive environment.

The Bioinformatics and Biological Resources Fund addresses this need by providing support to both bioinformatics and biological resources.

Transformative Research Technologies (TRT)

The Transformative Research Technologies funding opportunity is built on our previous Tools and Resources Development Fund (TRDF), responding to the recommendations of BBSRC’s review of technology development in the biosciences.

The funding opportunity aims to support the development of cutting-edge enabling research technologies, which have the potential for transformative impact in the given field.

Awards will support small and short ‘early-stage or transformative potential’ pilot studies for the development of a new technology for the biosciences where little to no preliminary data exists.

Mid-range equipment for biosciences research (ALERT)

BBSRC’s annual ALERT programme funds mid-range equipment, from ‘workhorse’ equipment to cutting-edge technologies and lab-to-field platforms. The goal of this investment is to enhance institutional and regional capabilities to maintain the competitiveness of the UK biosciences.

BBSRC standard research grant

The BBSRC standard research grant supports all areas of transformative technologies including non-hypothesis driven proposals.

Specific guidance and improvements have been made to all areas to help towards equal assessment of non-hypothesis driven and hypothesis-driven applications. This is a response to two reviews highlighted in the ‘Reviews’ section (see under ‘Past projects, outcomes and impact’).

For bioscience community resources, such as high-quality databases and technical platforms, support is available across their life cycle to facilitate their establishment, maintenance, and enhancement.

Standard grant proposals need to clearly articulate and justify which stages of the life cycle are to be supported, and proposals are expected to be underpinned by significant and demonstrable support of their bioscience community.

If you need further advice before submitting an application, see contact details for the Transformative Technologies team in the section ‘Ask a question about Transformative Technologies’.

Past projects, outcomes and impact

Find details on awarded BBSRC grants (including past BBR, TRT and ALERT projects) in:

Basic technologies in sensing and imaging

BBSRC worked jointly with other research councils to support the interdisciplinary area of basic technologies, including:

  • Arts and Humanities Research Council
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
  • Medical Research Council
  • Natural Environment Research Council
  • Science and Technology Facilities Council

The funding opportunity Develop basic technologies in sensing and imaging funded projects that will accelerate the development of the next generation of tools and technologies that have the ability to make, measure and model the world around us.

See an overview of the BasicTech grants in our awarded research grants (in the document ‘BBSRC awarded grants 2021: UKRI BasicTech’).

Engineering Biology Breakthrough and Transition awards

In 2022 UKRI partners and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory invested over £17 million across a series of multidisciplinary research and innovation projects.

The Transition Awards aimed to both enable the creation of new engineering biology communities, and to provide support for existing communities to further develop expertise and impact. Twelve Transition Awards projects were awarded, receiving a share of £14.8 million.

Through the Breakthrough Awards a further £2.2 million was invested in 23 early-stage, high-potential research projects aiming to develop novel breakthrough ideas in engineering biology.

Find out more: UK Engineering Biology receives £20.6 million funding boost


BBSRC review of technology development in the biosciences

In 2022, BBSRC published a comprehensive review of its technology development portfolio. The review assessed the efficacy of BBSRC’s support system for technology development and developed recommendations to address identified gaps.

BBSRC Review of data-intensive bioscience

Recognising the opportunities presented by the ever-increasing amount of data available to bioscience researchers, BBSRC’s review of data-intensive bioscience (PDF, 4MB) underpins our forwards strategy. The review highlighted key areas across:

  • skills
  • professionalisation
  • digital Infrastructure
  • software tools and resources
  • data sharing
  • community coordination and capacity-building
  • multidisciplinarity

Who to contact

Ask a question about transformative technologies


Governance, management and panels

Transformative Technologies Strategy Advisory Panel

Strategy development in the Transformative Technologies (TT) area is informed by the TT Strategy Advisory Panel (TT SAP), which brings together experts from academia and industry. The panel, and its associated expert working groups, provide advice to BBSRC on the strategic direction of its research, training and knowledge exchange portfolio in areas relevant to TT. This is in order to maintain the competitiveness of the UK in line with the Forward Look for UK Bioscience.

Working groups are established to provide in-depth strategic advice on a particular topic and normally meet two or three times. Recent TT SAP working groups have considered data-intensive bioscience and technology development.

Last updated: 28 February 2025

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