Area of investment and support

Area of investment and support: Technology development for the biosciences

This theme focuses on research that yields the next generation of new technologies in bioscience with the potential to accelerate the pace of discovery, provide new opportunities for business, and lead to new innovative ways to tackle health, environmental and productivity challenges.

Partners involved:
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

The scope and what we're doing

BBSRC supports and invests in technology development in all its life stages, from pump-priming the next generation of cutting-edge research-enabling technologies to their application and commercialisation.

Our support for the development and application of new technologies will expand the toolkit of cutting-edge technologies including:

  • algorithms
  • bioinformatics
  • biophysical technologies
  • data-science
  • engineering biology
  • genetics
  • imaging
  • modelling
  • omics
  • sensing
  • software

This area of investment and support falls under the transformative technologies theme.

Interdisciplinary collaborations

Technology development inherently cuts across the remit boundaries of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) councils, and requires collaboration across disciplines and domains to achieve its full potential. We encourage applications that involve interdisciplinary and collaborative working for this area of investment and support.

An application could adopt a ‘problem owner, solution provider’ approach. This entails a problem owner from a biological discipline and a potential solution provider from a non-biological discipline submitting a single application to address a pressing challenge or need within the bioscience community.

This could be through an innovative, cross-disciplinary collaboration, for example between an academic and technical professional.

Technology development across UKRI research councils

Greater integration of bioscience with innovation in the engineering and physical sciences is a huge opportunity to improve on existing technologies and create new ones.

We work closely with research councils across UKRI to encourage convergence and integration between the biosciences, engineering and physical sciences, and accelerate translation into products and services.

Research Technology Professionals

Research technicians and technology and skills specialists (research technology professionals) cover a diverse range of roles that are fundamental to the future of technology development and the biosciences. Their talent for innovation, expert knowledge and technical competence is central to the field.

UKRI is a signatory of the Technician Commitment, intended to champion technical careers in research and innovation.

UKRI’s people and teams action plan lays out how, as a funder, employer and policy organisation, it will work towards ensuring visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians working in research and innovation organisations.

Why we're doing it

Breakthrough technologies often create a big impact, highlighting the critical dependence of world-class transformative research and innovation on new technologies becoming available.

The development of transformative technologies is integral in enabling future discoveries, as it allows researchers to push the boundaries of bioscience discovery, stimulate innovation and enable better understanding of biological processes and organisms.

Support for this area offers significant opportunities to work across disciplines and sectors, to improve on existing technologies and create new ones across the variety of science relevant to BBSRC’s mission.

Building on the Review of Technology Development

In 2022, BBSRC published a comprehensive review of its technology development portfolio. The aim of the review was to:

  • assess the efficacy of BBSRC’s current support system for technology development and identify potential gaps that need to be addressed
  • identify future trends in the technology development space
  • review and propose a range of options to address any concerns or gaps identified during the review process

Implementing the recommendations of the review, BBSRC has taken actions such as:

  • clarifying support of different types and stages of technology development
  • promoting the central role of Research Technology Professionals (RTPs) in technology development
  • innovation in the peer review process

Opportunities, support and resources available

There are several opportunities which support technology development at different stages during the development process.

While the typical project path might involve moving from Transformative Research Technologies fund to standard research grants to Follow-on Fund, this isn’t always the case. Projects can take different routes, and funding may be obtained from other research councils than BBSRC as well.

In addition to the regular funding opportunities listed below, other BBSRC and UKRI opportunities might be available which address specific current needs in the community.

Current funding opportunities can be found on the UKRI funding finder.

Transformative Research Technologies fund

This fund aims to support the development of cutting-edge research technologies which have the potential for transformative impact and are essential to sustaining the vibrancy of bioscience discovery research in the UK.

This includes bioinformatics tools and computational approaches to the biosciences. These technological developments should offer the potential of a step change in the state-of-the-art for the given field.

Awards will support small and short early-stage pilot studies directed towards the development of a new technology with transformative potential for the biosciences.

The Transformative Research Technologies fund is expected to run every year.

BBSRC standard research grant

Standard (sometimes known as ‘responsive’) funding opportunities are open to a wide range of research and approaches within BBSRC’s remit, including non-hypothesis driven research such as technology development.

In response to the Review of data-intensive bioscience and the Review of technology development in the biosciences, BBSRC has provided specific guidance to help towards equal assessment of non-hypothesis driven and hypothesis driven applications.

Applications for responsive mode should build on a significant amount of preliminary data, for example generated from Transformative Research Technologies grants. You can apply at any time.

Find out more about applying for funding and what to include in your application.

Innovation-led research working with businesses

BBSRC works with businesses to support technology development through establishing short, medium, and long-term partnerships between businesses, researchers, and other partners through BBSRC’s Business Partnering portfolio. Funding opportunities include:

BBSRC works with businesses to invest in market-facing, pre-competitive collaborative research and development programmes where there are shared barriers and opportunities for technology development and innovation across sectors and industries.

For more information email

Innovation, translation and commercialisation of technology

BBSRC supports the translation of advances in technologies for the biosciences through knowledge exchange and commercialisation. Opportunities include:

BBSRC’s five Research and Innovation Campuses support innovation and enterprise for new or established bioscience companies. Co-located with BBSRC strategically funded institutes and dedicated infrastructure and expertise, the campuses also offer bespoke innovation funding opportunities through Campus Impact Accelerator Accounts and access to UKI2S funding.

For more information email

Past projects, outcomes and impact

Transformative Research Technologies fund

BBSRC invests £4m in pioneering bioscience research technologies

Awarded research grants 2023

Impact stories

See our research impacts within the Technology Development Review

Impacts from the BBSRC Impact Showcase:

Who to contact

Ask a question about technology development

Rose Kowalewski, Portfolio Manager


We aim to respond within five working days.

Last updated: 9 December 2024

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