Recognition, understanding and synthesis of human speech, using a range of techniques and focusing on how systems recognise and generate the sounds of language.
Recognition, understanding and synthesis of human speech, using a range of techniques and focusing on how systems recognise and generate the sounds of language.
The strategy for this area recognises the importance of speech technology to data science and the development of intelligent interfaces.
We aim to have a research area which:
- addresses the challenges identified for this area, encompassing speech modelling, speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis and spoken dialogue systems
- makes a significant contribution to data science in terms of the large-scale processing and understanding of multi-modal data, including text, audio and video
- includes research and training that contributes to development of intelligent dialogue interfaces which will serve as ways of communicating between humans and systems
- with the increased importance of the development of spoken dialogue systems, will lead to strengthened links between Speech technology and the Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, Natural language processing (NLP) and Human-computer interaction research areas
- continues to support research into assistive technologies (for example personalised speech synthesis and recognition of disordered speech) and speech and language therapy technology
- includes a greater proportion of early-career researchers, to ensure the area’s longer-term health.
Researchers have the opportunity to play an important role in delivering the objectives of EPSRC priorities for the Information and communication technologies (ICT) theme – especially Data enabled decision making, People at the heart of ICT and Future intelligent technologies).
To maximise the impact of these contributions, Speech technology researchers should ensure effective communication with researchers in other contributing areas, such as AI technologies, NLP, Image and vision computing and Human-computer interaction.