Area of investment and support

Area of investment and support: Offshore renewable energy

The UK has one of the best offshore wind resources in the world, comprising 50% of Europe’s tidal energy and 35% of its wave energy. Through this programme, NERC supports partnerships between the academic research base and the offshore renewable energy sector to help capitalise on this resource.

2016 to 2021
£3 million
Partners involved:
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

The scope and what we're doing

In pursuing its remit, NERC invests in world-leading research, training and innovation across the energy system to provide society with evidence and expertise to inform decision-making.

Through this programme, NERC continues to support the development of partnerships between the academic research base and the offshore renewable energy sector through innovation workshops. Opportunities for cross-sector innovation are also being explored in conjunction with the Innovation Programme in Oil and Gas.

Why we're doing it

The UK has one of the best offshore wind resources in the world, comprising 50% of Europe’s tidal energy and 35% of its wave energy. Environmental science can be used to capitalise on this to:

  • understand the resource – to assess and harness the extent and distribution of wind, wave and tidal resources in the UK at various spatial and temporal scales
  • understand environmental impacts – enabling productive regulation including impacts of new developments and technology across whole systems and life cycles of operations, installation, operation and decommissioning.

Opportunities, support and resources available

Who to contact

Jacqueline Wood


Telephone: 07849 303738

Last updated: 24 May 2024

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