Area of investment and support

Area of investment and support: Nuclear physics

The Science and Technology Facilities Council nuclear physics programme supports research in four broad areas, nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, hadronic physics and theory.

Partners involved:
Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

The scope and what we're doing

Research in this field comprises the design and research and development of detector systems, experimental work which is carried out at specific overseas facilities, data analysis, and a complementary theoretical programme.

The nuclear physics programme can be divided into four broad areas of research:

  • nuclear structure
  • nuclear astrophysics
  • hadronic physics
  • theory.

These projects aim to achieve STFC’s science challenges.

FRIB Accelerated-beams for Understanding Science and Technology (FAUST)

The main technological goal of this project is to lead the development and construction of an advanced silicon detection system.

The system will be used with fast radioactive beams (approximately 30 to 200 megaelectron volt atomic mass unit) at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) in the US.

The technological advances of combing the FAUST array with the FRIB beam enables access to range of science otherwise that cannot be performed elsewhere.

γRIBF-UK: scintillator-based high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer at RIBF

This project leads the construction of a new-generation scintillator-based high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer, HYPATIA (HYbrid Photon detector Array To Investigate Atomic nuclei).

It will be used at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) at RIKEN Nishina Centre (RNC), Japan.

The developments within this project can have extensions to space-based gamma-ray telescopes and other research areas such as neutrino physics and particle physics experiments, in which position reconstruction in large scintillating volumes is of importance.

FAIR R3B silicon tracker: target recoil tracking (TRT) detector for the R3B experiment at FAIR

R3B is part of the NUSTAR (Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions) scientific pillar of FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability).

The R3B TRT device will offer unprecedented capabilities of position resolution, low material budget and high-rate multi-hit capability for radioactive-ion beam experiments.

The device is planned to be operational for the first FAIR physics experiments (2027 to 2028) using the R3B setup and the Super-FRagment Separator (Super-FRS).

Electron Ion Collider (EIC) preliminary

Funded through the UKRI Infrastructure Fund.

The EIC will be the world’s first collider of polarised electrons, with nuclei or polarised protons or light ions.

The aim of this phase is to develop some of the technologies needed for a future detector at the EIC and establish UK leadership in those areas, advancing the design and technological readiness of three key detector subsystems.

This project positions the UK to lead the development of cutting-edge detector technologies that will be needed to address fundamental questions in science on the nature of matter.

Why we're doing it

A nucleus is a system of protons and neutrons, themselves composed of further sub-constituents (quarks), held together by the strong force.

The broad aim of nuclear physics research is to study the properties and structure of nuclei, and the mechanisms involved in their creation. This poses questions about the limits of nuclear stability, the fundamental physical processes that governed the formation of light nuclei in the first moments after the Big Bang, and the subsequent synthesis of heavier nuclei within stars.

Nuclear physics research provides technologies which are transferable to wider applications, benefiting society in a range of areas including medicine, power production and security.

The key fundamental science questions driving this endeavour are:

  • how does the strong force acting within nuclear matter determine the structure of atomic nuclei?
  • how do nuclear reactions generate energy and nucleosynthesis in astrophysical sites?
  • how do the properties of hadrons arise and what is the nature of the quark-gluon plasma?

Opportunities, support and resources available

Funding for nuclear physics exploitation can be obtained through the nuclear physics consolidated grants round, including exploitation of previously completed projects such as:

  • Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA)
  • Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR)
  • Jefferson Lab upgrade
  • A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) upgrade
  • Isotope mass Separator On-Line facility (ISOLDE) at CERN
  • Miniball
  • EXOtic GAMma-ray spectrometer (EXOGAM)

Search for funding opportunities.

Who to contact

Nuclear physics programme

Jamie Parkin, Head of Nuclear Physics and Particle Astrophysics


Melanie Kidd, Programme Manager Particle Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics


Governance, management and panels

The Nuclear Physics Advisory Panel provides a link between STFC Science Board and the nuclear physics community, and represents the needs of the community to STFC.

STFC’s Nuclear Physics Group is based at the Daresbury Laboratory. The group’s main role is to support and contribute to the UK’s nuclear structure research programme.

The members of Nuclear Physics Group offer expertise in a number of different specialised areas. They are involved in the design and installation of equipment in facilities around the world. The group responds to requests for support from the UK nuclear physics community and others. The nuclear physicists in the group also have their own research programmes which are carried out at international facilities, often in collaboration with other groups.

Last updated: 18 February 2025

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