Area of investment and support

Area of investment and support: Newton Fund

The Newton Fund builds research and innovation partnerships with developing countries across the world to promote the economic development and social welfare of the partner countries.

£735 million
2014 to 2022
Partners involved:
UK Research and Innovation. UK delivery partners: Academy of Medical Sciences, British Academy, British Council, Met Office, Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society

The scope and what we're doing

UK Research and Innovation is one of the UK delivery partners for The Newton Fund.

The Newton Fund builds research and innovation partnerships with developing countries across the world, aiming to promote the economic development and social welfare of the partner countries.

It does this through:

  • equitable partnerships with middle-income countries
  • multidisciplinary research based on agreed national strategies
  • nurturing talent and careers with capacity development.

The Newton Fund was launched in 2014, consisting of an annual £75 million investment for five years.

In the 2015 UK Spending Review, it was agreed to extend and expand the fund.

The Newton Fund was extended from 2019 to 2021 and the annual £75 million investment was doubled to £150 million by 2021. This will lead to a total UK investment of £735 million, with partner countries providing matched resources.

Why we're doing it

The Newton Fund is part of the UK government’s Official Development Assistance, also known as the ‘UK overseas aid budget’ or ‘UK Aid’.

Opportunities, support and resources available

Who to contact

Last updated: 9 July 2024

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