Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) are a European Commission (EC) initiative to support intergovernmental collaborations to tackle grand societal challenges beyond a national level. They support European and wider coordination of national and regional research programmes and pooling of resources.
Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) were defined by the European Commission in 2008 as a part of building a European Research Area (ERA). The overall aim of joint programming is to pool national research efforts to tackle grand societal challenges that cannot be solved solely on the national level.
Members participate in joint activities on a voluntary basis to increase the value of national and European R&D funding. Through joint programming, members are motivated to coordinate national research activities and pool resources to benefit from complementarities and develop common research agendas. These joint initiatives avoid fragmentation, overcome bottlenecks and provide the long-term, stable research base that is needed to address major societal challenges.
Ten JPIs have been launched to date, and NERC provides the UK Research and Innovation lead for the following three: