This research area focuses on the fundamental physics of magnetism and magnetic materials.
This research area focuses on the fundamental physics of magnetism and magnetic materials. It includes, for example:
- thin-film magnetism
- characterisation and growth of magnetic materials
- ferromagnetism
- anti-ferromagnetism
- frustrated magnetic systems.
A key aim is to further strengthen the links with communities in the Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure and Spintronics research areas. These enhanced links should be used to ensure that the UK secures a world-leading position in new fields, such as topological and superconducting spintronics (relating to the property of ‘spin’ in electrons) and skyrmionics (relating to exotic quasiparticles called skyrmions), which span these areas.
We aim to have a community which:
- continues to produce high-quality research on fundamental topics in magnetism, and establishes the UK as the best place in the world to conduct research in these fields
- collaborates with researchers in industry and related fields to ensure that new knowledge can be applied to real-world problems, such as magnetic data storage and medical diagnostics.
The community should also continue to make good use of large UK facilities such as Diamond Light Source and the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, which contribute to the excellent quality of research produced in this area.
Members of this research area community are major beneficiaries of these facilities, which are fundamental to the production of world-leading research that the community delivers.