This research area addresses the links between electronic structure and material properties.
This research addresses the links between electronic structure and material properties. It includes research into correlated electron systems and novel materials (for example topological insulators), as well as semiconductor physics.
This is a strong research community producing high quality work across a wide range of topics. We will promote links to other areas (including condensed matter – magnetism and magnetic materials, and spintronics) to ensure that the UK achieves a world-leading position in fields such as topological spintronics.
We will make sure this area continues to produce research on core topics such as strongly correlated electrons systems and the electronic structure of 2D materials, which pose major scientific challenges.
We aim to have:
- a community which continues to produce high quality research on fundamental topics such as strongly correlated electron systems
- maximised opportunities arising from research that links novel topological states and quantum information, and that contributes to new quantum technologies.
The UK benefits from world-leading characterisation facilities at Diamond Light Source and the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, and the high performance computing facilities at the Advanced Research Computing High End Resource (ARCHER2).
Major facilities are also available in Europe, such as the XMaS beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) and the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL).
Researchers should ensure that these facilities, alongside EPSRC investments in single-crystal growth, electron-beam lithography and molecular-beam epitaxy facilities, are used to their full potential.