The aim of this investment area is to harness, with public trust, the power of data resources and tools to gain new health and wellbeing insights. This will enable biomedical and health research on a scale not previously possible, leading to transformational advances in medicine and public health.
The Medical Research Council (MRC)’s vision is to harness the power of large-scale biomedical and health-related data to gain new insights into health and wellbeing. This will enable biomedical and health research on a scale not previously possible, leading to transformational advances in medicine and public health.
Areas of activity
Ongoing areas include the following:
Data use and public trust
Securing public trust by ensuring there are robust and proportional regulatory and governance frameworks in place, giving the public confidence that their sensitive data, privacy and interests are protected when being used for research and innovation.
Find out more about data access and public trust in our regulatory support centre.
Advanced data science, including artificial intelligence
Supporting advanced data science and providing the environment to develop and implement new computational technologies and tools in the UK.
Methodology research
Funding the development of new methodologies needed to inform research practice, policy and healthcare to maximise benefits for researchers, patients and the general population, ensuring biomedical and health research and policy are built on the best possible evidence.
See our guidance on better methods and better research.
Secure trusted environments
Providing trusted and trustworthy environments such as the Data and Analytics Research Environments programme (DARE UK), where researchers and innovators can use sensitive data for their work, bringing data together from different sources and providing the services they need to undertake cutting-edge research and innovation.
Data science capacity and skills
Ensuring the UK has the skilled people it needs, working in the best way to support UK biomedical and health-related data science-intensive research and innovation.