ESRC invests in methodological innovation to ensure that researchers have the methodological skills and tools needed to respond to research challenges in a changing, interdisciplinary research and funding environment. This includes developing new methods and building capability across the social science research community.
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UKRI Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) supports the creation of new insights from research and data that help us to ensure that social science guides the adoption of new technologies, amplifying positive societal outcomes and mitigating potential harmful effects.
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The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Horizon Europe Partnership aims to create more inclusive, safe, resilient, climate-neutral and sustainable cities across Europe. The partnership currently has over 60 partners from 28 countries.
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This programme aims to inform decision making by addressing critical gaps in our current understanding of the economic values, benefits and costs that society associates with, and derives from, biodiversity.
We will fund projects, bringing together scientists and economists to advance our knowledge in biodiversity and economics.
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The Economic and Social Research Council supports the creation of new insights from research and data sets that help people, organisations and policymakers understand the economy and improve day-to-day life in the UK and around the world.
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This research programme is co-funded by ESRC and the FCDO. It helps researchers to address key questions and build evidence in critical policy areas constraining education systems in developing countries.
Raising Learning Outcomes (RLO) provides concrete ideas for policy and practice on how to improve learning, and understanding of how these ideas will translate to specific contexts.
Funding councils:
The aim of the Future Data Services (FDS) programme is to establish what is needed for the next generation of data services beyond 2024.
To achieve this, ESRC is:
- gathering evidence for, exploring and assessing the future needs of its communities
- developing options while recognising that research is more interdisciplinary than ever before
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Building the aviation ecosystem needed to speed up the introduction of electric sub-regional aircraft, advanced air mobility vehicles and drones into the UK.
It works with industry, academia, government and regulators to transform how we connect people, deliver goods and provide services.
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ESRCInnovate UK
This programme aims to understand the environmental and societal benefits of landscapes in which trees play a significant role. It will bring together environmental scientists, social scientists, economists, and arts and humanities researchers to form large research collaborations.
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The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries.
The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world.
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