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Understanding society: working paper series no. 2020 – 06

An assessment of the national representativeness of new mothers and women of childbearing age in Understanding Society.

ESRC, Understanding Society


An assessment of the national representativeness of new mothers and women of childbearing age (PDF)

, 479 KB

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Understanding Society is an excellent data source for addressing questions around pregnancy and child development. It collects annual data on the mother-to-be and possibly the father and other siblings pre-birth, possibly over a significant time period.

As the child grows up, ongoing data collection is conducted covering multiple topics, enabling novel research on how different aspects of the lives of the child and family interact with each other over time. The ethnic minority boost samples and coverage of the whole UK means the study can inform science and policy across the development of the child, while examining differences in different parts of the UK or for different ethnic and social groups.

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