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Understanding society: working paper series no. 2019 – 14

Enhancing data around early life scientific opportunities and considerations in Understanding Society.

ESRC, Understanding Society


Enhancing data around early life scientific opportunities and considerations (PDF)

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Understanding Society already provides unique insights into children’s lives in the 21st century and will continue to track them as they develop into adults. The study naturally follows the development of families over time from couples forming to babies being planned, conceived and born, to children growing up in their family context, whether both parents remain in the house or not, and transitioning to adulthood.

The study also enables research that examines childhood in different contexts, whether these are geographical, ethnic group and generation status, family structure, economic circumstances, cohort or period. It also allows for the investigation of inter-generation effects, whether they be those of parents and grandparents on children, or of children on their parents.

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