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Independent report

Synthetic Biology for Growth programme economic impact evaluation

An evaluation of the economic impact arising from the UK research councils’ investment in the Synthetic Biology for Growth (SBfG) programme.



BBSRC Synthetic Biology for Growth programme economic impact evaluation: final report (PDF)

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In 2014, the UK research councils established the SBfG programme following recommendations on synthetic biology research and investment from UK government.

The programme consisted of four streams of investments including:

  • six multidisciplinary Synthetic Biology Research Centres
  • four DNA foundries and two centres to provide DNA synthesis and DNA construct capability
  • equipment enhancements for two Centres for Doctoral Training
  • a Synthetic Biology Seed Fund

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) commissioned Optimat Ltd to undertake an evaluation of the effectiveness and impacts of the SBfG programme.

This report presents the findings from the evaluation including an economic impact assessment.

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