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Independent report

Skills to support data-driven research in the social sciences

An independent steering group’s report on the skills needed in the social sciences to support data-driven research across the career lifecourse, and ESRC’s response.

ESRC, Data-Driven Research Skills (DDRS) Steering Group


Scoping the skills needs in the social sciences to support data-driven research skills across the academic career life course (PDF)

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The skills needed in the social sciences to support data-driven research across the life course: ESRC response (PDF)

, 903 KB

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The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) commissioned an independent steering group to scope the skills needed in the social sciences to support data-driven research. The scoping study maps out the challenges, opportunities and areas of necessary change to existing UK data-driven research skills (DDRS) training provision.

The resulting evidence will inform our strategy for how we support researchers at all career stages to develop skills and maximise the value of our investment in data and infrastructure.

ESRC’s response sets out our vision for supporting social scientists’ DDRS and the actions we will be taking to tackle the issues identified by the steering group. In the response, we identify actions that can be addressed in the near term by ESRC. We also signal our intention to work with other stakeholders in the longer term to promote DDRS, enabling UK social science to retain its world-class reputation.

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