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Shaping our cities and urban spaces

AHRC Cities and Urban Environments portfolio supports and funds research that shines a light on how we can live in close community with one another.



Shaping our cities and urban spaces

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The Arts and Humanities Research Council’s (AHRC) Cities and Urban Environments portfolio supports and funds research that shines a light on how we can live in close community with one another.

Its interdisciplinary work embeds a human-focused approach to issues such as health, sustainability, development, economic growth, services, and infrastructure.

Creative design processes, for example, bring innovation to buildings and infrastructures to create spaces that are healthier, more sustainable, and more efficient.

Research into cultures and traditions helps ensure that development does not come at the cost of social cohesion.

Art, music, theatre, film, and podcasts can give voice to more marginalised communities. And an understanding of a city’s history can protect its heritage for the future, making better use of cultural assets for social and economic benefit.

Read on to discover how AHRC-funded research is helping cities and urban environments create communities that can adapt to the many and complex challenges they face.

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