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Roles in funding applications

The different roles on a project team when applying for funding using the UKRI Funding Service, including role descriptions, where to find eligibility criteria, and costings guidance

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Follow this guidance if you are applying through the UKRI Funding Service to a funding opportunity that opens on or after 22 May 2023.

To help you select roles for the members of your team, this guidance gives the:

  • role name used in the UKRI Funding Service and a short description
  • responsibilities of the role as part of a team applying for funding
  • equivalent role used in Je-S, for those familiar with this older service

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  • 20 August 2024
    Updates to the 'Specialist (‘technician’ or ‘other’ in Je-S)' section to clarify the definition of a specialist on a project.
  • 12 July 2024
    Addition of sentences about people with lived experience under the 'UKRI Funding Service roles', 'Specialist (‘technician’ or ‘other’ in Je-S)' and 'Specialist' headings.
  • 2 May 2024
    Definition of project co-lead (international) updated to emphasise their equal standing and significant contributions as outlined in the policy.
  • 7 August 2023
    Additional details in the ‘UKRI Funding Services roles’ section around how to add an unnamed staff member to an application.
  • 4 July 2023
    Updated the 'role costings' section to clarify when an individual can be added under a named role and also attract estates and indirect costs, and added more guidance and worked examples to help with costing the 'technician' and 'professional enabling staff' roles

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