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NERC delivery plan: reporting

Reports on the activities and achievements of Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

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NERC delivery plan: overview of progress 2023 to 2024 (PDF)

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NERC delivery plan: overview of progress 2022 to 2023 (PDF)

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NERC delivery plan: overview of progress 2021 to 2022 (PDF)

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NERC delivery plan: overview of progress 2020 to 2021 (PDF)

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NERC delivery plan: overview of progress 2019 to 2020 (PDF)

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NERC undertakes an annual exercise to assess progress against the ambitions set out in our delivery plan. These report sets out the progress we have made and includes:

  • indicators to measure our performance in each of our ambitions
  • what we have learned and will improve in future years
  • financial summary
  • summary report against the UKRI balanced scorecard

Directors are responsible for the reporting against each of our ambitions. Our non-executive directors and NERC council provide challenge and scrutiny of the report before it is published.


  • 18 October 2024
    New document added: NERC delivery plan: overview of progress 2023 to 2024.
  • 15 August 2023
    New document added: NERC delivery plan: overview of progress 2022 to 2023.

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