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MRC economic impact highlights

Infographic highlighting the multiple avenues through which research funded by Medical Research Council (MRC) strongly impacts the economic wellbeing of the UK.



MRC economic impact highlights (PDF)

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This infographic summarises highlights of four MRC-funded research economic impact reports. The analyses and examples of economic impact highlighted here are reported in greater detail within the following reports and resources:

  • Development and growth of spin-outs from MRC research: externally commissioned analysis of spin-outs created to develop intellectual property arising from MRC-funded research
  • Economic impact of MRC funded research: a collection of examples of the many pathways of MRC associated economic impact
  • Analysis of MRC-funded non-academic impacts submitted to REF2021: examples of impact of MRC research provided by our researchers in REF 2021 impact narratives
  • Impacts arising from MRC-supported institutes and major investments: examples of impact reported by MRC funded institutes and major investments
  • MRC Economic Impact Case Studies database: a searchable database of MRC-linked economic impact narratives

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