
Circular letter: ISPF Institutional Support Grant (ODA) for 2024 to 2025

Research England

To: Heads of Research England-funded higher education providers
Reference: RE-CL-2024-03
Publication date: 16 May 2024
Enquiries to:

Dear Vice-Chancellor or Principal

This letter confirms Research England’s allocations of £21.1 million of International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) Institutional Support Grant (ODA) funding for financial year 2024 to 2025.

Allocations are made to higher education providers (HEPs) that received ISPF Institutional Support Grant (ODA) funding in 2023 to 2024, as described in the eligibility section below.

This is the second year of a two-year allocation arising from ISPF, received from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT). Information about this fund was initially communicated in our 24 November 2023 circular letter.


HEPs are eligible for this funding if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • participated in the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021)
  • are registered with the Office for Students in the category ‘approved (fee cap)’
  • confirmed acceptance of this funding in late 2023 as required under our November 2023 circular letter

Allocation basis

This funding has been allocated to eligible HEPs in line with historic official development assistance (ODA) funding received by HEPs, including:

  • Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Newton Fund amounts
  • UK Research and Innovation research council competitive grants not originally designated as ODA that were subsequently found to meet ODA eligibility criteria (also referred to as ‘other ODA’)

Use of funding

The grant must only be used to fund activities that are ODA compliant as defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). To be ODA compliant, all funded activity must:

Activities funded through ISPF Institutional Support Grant (ODA) funding must also adhere to the legislation governing UK ODA funding:

This funding provides flexible institutional grants that can be used strategically to support ODA eligible activity, including:

  • underpinning ISPF activity funded through other delivery partners
  • directly supporting research that addresses the problems faced by developing countries that are not funded through the ISPF grants of other delivery partners.

As directed by DSIT, the ISPF Institutional Support Grant (ODA) shall not be used to deliver activities within, in partnership with or that otherwise benefit China.

The funding allocated in this letter is for financial year 2024 to 2025 and so must be spent in full between 1 April 2024 and 31 March 2025.

Use of this funding in a non-compliant manner will be considered to breach Research England’s terms and conditions of grant, and may result in funds being recovered by Research England.


HEPs in receipt of ISPF Institutional Support Grant (ODA) allocations:

  • are required to include it in their routine annual accounting reporting
  • may be subject to monitoring spot checks by Research England on behalf of DSIT in quarters two, three and four of financial year 2024 to 2025. This would require HEPs to provide programme level examples of how they have spent this funding in line with ODA compliance requirements

In summer 2024 we will provide further information on monitoring requirements to HEPs in receipt of funding.

Allocation amounts and payment

The ISPF Institutional Support Grant (ODA) allocations for each HEP in receipt of these funds are in Annex A.

These grant allocations will be paid in full in June 2024.

Further information

Questions about ISPF Institutional Support Grant (ODA) allocations should be directed to

Yours faithfully

Professor Dame Jessica Corner
Executive Chair, Research England

Annex A

ISPF Institutional Support Grant (ODA) funding allocations for individual higher education providers in financial year 2024 to 2025
UKPRN Higher education provider name ISPF Institutional Support Grant (ODA) allocation financial year 2024 to 2025 (£)
10007759 Aston University 22,535
10007850 University of Bath 188,612
10000571 Bath Spa University 11,993
10007152 University of Bedfordshire 3,708
10007760 Birkbeck, University of London 11,177
10006840 University of Birmingham 490,972
10007140 Birmingham City University 2,148
10000824 Bournemouth University 2,853
10007785 The University of Bradford 14,428
10000886 University of Brighton 18,004
10007786 University of Bristol 543,004
10000961 Brunel University London 63,206
10007788 University of Cambridge 838,974
10001478 City, University of London 31,083
10001726 Coventry University 320,225
10007822 Cranfield University 134,192
10001883 De Montfort University 50,755
10007851 University of Derby 780
10007143 Durham University 358,402
10007823 Edge Hill University 5,373
10007791 The University of Essex 25,309
10007792 University of Exeter 315,091
10002718 Goldsmiths, University of London 57,567
10007146 University of Greenwich 74,675
10007147 University of Hertfordshire 26,076
10007148 University of Huddersfield 70,152
10007149 University of Hull 13,643
10003270 Imperial College London 1,093,628
10007767 Keele University 118,289
10007150 The University of Kent 160,834
10003645 King’s College London 789,173
10003678 Kingston University 2,787
10007768 Lancaster University 255,730
10007795 University of Leeds 922,332
10003861 Leeds Beckett University 2,923
10007796 University of Leicester 103,787
10007151 University of Lincoln 51,345
10006842 The University of Liverpool 596,359
10003956 Liverpool Hope University 768
10003957 Liverpool John Moores University 44,632
10003958 Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 871,383
10007769 London Business School 4,643
10004063 The London School of Economics and Political Science 573,625
10007771 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2,707,426
10004113 Loughborough University 183,085
10007798 The University of Manchester 575,176
10004180 Manchester Metropolitan University 13,475
10004351 Middlesex University 6,772
10007799 Newcastle University 614,764
10001282 Northumbria University 19,262
10004797 Nottingham Trent University 12,548
10007154 University of Nottingham 271,386
10007773 The Open University 115,089
10004930 Oxford Brookes University 46,337
10007774 University of Oxford 2,274,518
10007801 University of Plymouth 52,037
10007155 University of Portsmouth 19,116
10007775 Queen Mary University of London 354,628
10007802 University of Reading 265,030
10007776 University of Roehampton 5,668
10007816 The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama 337
10005553 Royal Holloway, University of London 79,099
10007779 The Royal Veterinary College 342,945
10007156 The University of Salford 64,173
10007780 School of Oriental and African Studies 228,253
10007157 The University of Sheffield 290,613
10005790 Sheffield Hallam University 14,414
10007158 University of Southampton 416,543
10007782 St. George’s, University of London 196,326
10007160 The University of Surrey 90,648
10007806 University of Sussex 218,720
10007161 Teesside University 1,295
10007784 UCL 1,328,642
10007141 University of Central Lancashire 41,701
10007789 University of East Anglia 196,045
10007164 University of the West of England 11,136
10007163 The University of Warwick 207,388
10007165 The University of Westminster 6,361
10007166 University of Wolverhampton 931
10007167 University of York 514,860
Total 21,073,922

Page viewed: 10:51 am on 10 March 2025

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