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Project co-lead (international) policy: ESRC guidance

The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) project co-lead (international) policy governs the inclusion of international project co leads in applications. The ESRC guidance provides further advice.

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Project co-lead (international) policy: ESRC guidance (PDF)

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UKRI project co-lead (international) policy sets out how to include international project co-leads in UKRI applications.

The project co-lead (international) policy: ESRC guidance is provided as an additional resource to the UKRI project co-lead (international) policy.

You should refer to both resources when including an international project co-lead in an ESRC application.

In accordance with the UKRI project co-lead (international) policy, ESRC invite UK project leads to include international project co-leads from anywhere in the world.

This applies to applications to the majority of our research funding schemes, excluding fellowships and unless otherwise stated by the funding opportunity guidance.

PcL(I) from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list countries

In the interests of supporting equitable partnerships with academics based in low or middle income countries, a 30% funding cap does not apply to any PcL(I) based in a country on the OECD DAC list (excepting India and China) on ESRC applications.

PcL(I)s from a country on the OECD DAC list (excepting India and China) are also eligible to claim overheads support where it will assist in developing research capacity.

Overheads will be paid at 20% of the international research organisation’s directly incurred staff salary costs.

Indirect costs may not be charged on non-staff related direct costs, for example, equipment, consultancies and conferences as well as travel and subsistence.

These dispensations apply to PcL(I)s from research organisations in OECD DAC list countries (excepting India and China) for all eligible ESRC opportunities.

30% funding cap on non-OECD-DAC list country applicants

The total costs claimed for an international project co-lead who is not from a country listed on the OECD DAC list, plus applicants based in research organisations in India and China, must not exceed 30% of the total full economic costs (FEC) cost of the project.

On a single application, the combined costs of all PcL(I)s from non-OECD DAC list countries and any project co-leads from UK business, third sector and government organisations must not exceed 30% of the total FEC of the grant application.


  • 5 February 2025
    Document replaced with a new section added 'International costs that are not associated with a project co-lead (international)' at the end of the document on page two. Text added to this section begins with 'Only costs that are associated with a project co-lead (international) can be costed as exceptions...'
  • 21 January 2025
    Summary and 'Details' section updated on this document cover page.
  • 30 September 2024
    Updated the 'project co-lead (international) policy: ESRC guidance' document. Minor text amendment made, removing profit making organisations and international government departments are not eligible under the project co-lead (international) policy.
  • 2 August 2024
    Additional ESRC guidance added.
  • 2 August 2024
    UKRI policy replaces ESRC policy. Applicants from DAC list countries (excepting India and China) are no longer required to adhere to the 30% cap on total combined full economic costs for international and UK business, third sector or government organisations on a grant. They can apply for indirects at 20% of DI costs. The 30% cap remains for international applicants from high income countries.
  • 16 October 2023
    Minor wording update with correction to the eligibility section. Third sector organisations are eligible as international project co-leads so long as they meet all the other eligibility criteria set out in the policy.
  • 22 August 2023
    Minor wording changes for clarity on eligibility.
  • 25 May 2023
    Summary of changes: updated international co-investigator role type to project co-lead (international) throughout; updated UKRI individual grant roles and eligibility; introduction to the new UKRI Funding Service.
  • 1 February 2023
    Latest version of document added.

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