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Independent Research Organisations: a decade of success

This booklet looks at the success of Independent Research Organisations (IROs) and how they are playing a vital role in training the next generation of researchers.



A decade of success: supporting research in the UK’s major culture and heritage organisations (PDF)

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This booklet looks at the success of IROs over a 10 year period (2006 to 2017) and how they are playing a vital role in training the next generation of researchers.

It includes the following case studies:

  • Face to face with the Tudors: Tudor portraits at the National Portrait Gallery
  • Cultural exchange across the globe: how Chinese visitors see romantic images of Scotland
  • Making connections: the Science Museum and people’s experience of technology
  • Making waves: a new chapter in the story of Hokusai
  • A bigger splash: Tate’s experience of being an IRO
  • The meaning of Magna Carta: rights and citizenship
  • Building bridges: how the British Museum is improving relations between communities
  • History at our fingertips: research and performance at the Historic Royal Palaces
  • Listening to the world: the Imperial War Museums and the BBC Monitoring Service.

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