
Stage one guidance (PDF)
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Stage one table of questions (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet)
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Stage two guidance (PDF)
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Stage two table of questions (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet)
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Guidance on diamond and non-BPC models (PDF)
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Combined slides from stage one and stage two demo webinars (PDF)
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Responses to outstanding questions from stage one and stage two demos (PDF)
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Exemptions notification form guidance (PDF)
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Direct to publisher payments: guidance document for authors and publishers (PDF)
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The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) open access fund for long-form publications supports publication costs for monographs, book chapters and edited collections within scope of the UKRI open access policy.
The documents on this page include guidance and resources to support research organisations applying for funding.
Please also read our open access funding guidance for award holders. This explains the two-stage process for applying to the fund and provides access to the online portals for submitting applications. It also includes guidance on open access funding for research articles.
Stage one application form reference copy
A copy of the guidance and questions in the online application form. You must use the online application form to apply to the fund.
Stage one application form table of questions
An Excel spreadsheet containing a copy of the information requested for each publication submitted for funding. This is provided as a resource to help research organisations manage their applications – you do not need to submit this to UKRI.
Guidance on diamond and non-BPC models
Supporting guidance on applying to the fund to publish using a diamond or other non-BPC model.
Stage two application guidance
A copy of the guidance and questions in the online application form. Applications to the fund must be submitted through the UKRI Funding Service.
Please see open access funding and reporting for further information about the stage two application process.
Stage two application form table of questions
An Excel spreadsheet containing a copy of the information requested for each publication submitted for funding. This information should be submitted to UKRI by copying and pasting the table into the Funding Service application form. You may also use the spreadsheet for internal use.
Please see open access funding and reporting for further information about the stage two application process.
Combined slides from stage one and stage two demo webinar
A combined copy of the slides presented on UKRI’s webinars to demonstrate the application process at stages one and two.
UKRI held webinars on 23 and 29 November 2023 to demonstrate the stage one application process. They also held webinars on 11 January and 17 January 2024 to demonstrate the stage two application process.
Responses to outstanding questions from stage one and stage two demo webinars
Since it was not possible for UKRI to cover all questions from participants during the webinars, a summary of responses to outstanding questions is provided.
Exemptions notification form guidance
A copy of the guidance and questions in the online notification form. You must use the online form to register an exemption with UKRI.
Ask a question about these publications
Check our open access funding guidance for award holders and our UKRI open access policy frequently asked questions.
We aim to respond to queries within five working days.
- 2 December 2024
New document added: Direct to publisher payments: guidance document for authors and publishers. - 26 April 2024
Stage one guidance and table of questions documents updated. - 20 March 2024
Responses to outstanding questions from stage one and stage two demo webinars added. - 2 February 2024
Combined slides from demonstration webinars for stage one and stage two added. - 2 February 2024
Exemptions notification form guidance added. - 12 January 2024
Stage two guidance document and stage two spreadsheet added. - 4 December 2023
Stage one guidance document updated.