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Guarantee funding for MSCA additional allowances for live grants

How to apply for additional funding to cover eligible third country to third country secondments for staff members on MSCA Staff Exchanges grants.

Last updated:
- see all updates



Use the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) additional allowances for live grants conversion tool for any live MSCA guarantee grants where a recruited researcher has become eligible for any MSCA additional allowances that weren’t included in the original proposal and submission to the European Research Executive Agency (REA). UKRI will be following the same eligibility criteria as used by REA for the guarantee grants.

The additional allowances must be calculated by the host organisation using the same applicable unit contributions as found in the associated MSCA work programme relating to your call, which will be for 2021 to 2023. More details can be found on the European Commission’s MSCA pages.

By submitting a request to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) for family, long-term leave or special needs allowances, the host organisation confirms that these costs are not being claimed from any other source for example HMRC.

The host organisation will need to inform UKRI of any changes to personal circumstances which impact any additional allowances and update the requested allowance(s) accordingly.

Use the MSCA Staff Exchanges third country to third country secondments tool for any eligible funding to be claimed for Staff Exchanges projects where the costs relate to:

  • secondments from the UK based associated partner to a beneficiary in an EU Member State or Associated Country
  • secondments from the UK based associated partner to a third country eligible for funding from the European Commission
  • secondments from the UK based associated partner to a third country not eligible for EC funding
  • secondments from a third country eligible for European Commission funding to the UK based associated partner

By submitting a request to UKRI for funding to cover third country to third country secondments, the host organisation confirms that these costs are not being claimed from any other source.


  • 31 January 2025
    Both documents updated
  • 8 February 2024
    Cost conversion tool for MSCA additional allowances for live grants document updated and Cost conversion tool for MSCA staff exchanges third to third country secondments document added.

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