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Corporate report

Early career experiences of public engagement

Understanding the experiences early career scientists and engineers have when considering public engagement, and the environment within which this occurs.



Early career experiences of public engagement (PDF)

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The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) commissioned study detailed in this report originated from discussions of the Public Engagement Early-Career Researcher Forum (PEER Forum) and the Advisory Panel for Public Engagement.

The study recognises that a significant proportion of STFC engagement is designed and delivered by early career scientists and engineers (ECSEs). It expresses concerns about how this work is recognised and rewarded when compared to the pressures on ECSEs to establish their careers.

The study aims to better understand ‘the experiences ECSEs have when considering being a part of public engagement, and the environment within which this occurs.’

Based on the findings of this work, the report details recommendations for organisations who fund the work of ECSEs, which are of interest beyond STFC and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

The STFC public engagement team will work with the PEER Forum to implement the recommendations from this report that will best support and encourage ECSEs with their public engagement, while acknowledging the limits in our ability to substantively change the wider funding landscape.

Cross UKRI workstreams are looking at research culture and funding architecture and we will share learning from this report with colleagues in these areas.

Within STFC we will work to create guidance for reviewers and applicants to help make more transparent what STFC considers to be high quality public engagement and we will focus on building capacity for ECSEs through public engagement funding, mentoring and support programmes.

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