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Commercialising your research with UKRI

This brochure helps researchers, businesses and investors better understand how UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) can support them in achieving their research commercialisation ambitions.




As the UK’s largest public funder of research and innovation, UKRI plays a vital role in ensuring research commercialisation generates real benefits for UK productivity, the economy and wider society.

To make sure we maximise the full potential of our research commercialisation ecosystem, we’re evolving the funding, product and support packages we offer to those who want to commercialise, or invest in, research.

As part of our continued efforts to streamline and improve access to UKRI support, we have created the ‘Commercialising your research with UKRI’ digital brochure. It aims to help researchers, businesses and investors better understand how UKRI can support them in realising the benefits of research commercialisation, by featuring:

  • summaries of all UKRI funding, product and support packages, segmented into easy to navigate sections
  • a series of case study examples and success stories
  • links to further information and how to contact us

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.