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Independent report

Adroddiad digwyddiad ymgynghoriad cyfiawnder rhyng-genedlaethol AHRC crynodeb

Summary report (in Welsh) completed by Collaborative Capacities, following a successful consultation event held in Cardiff on 6 June 2023.

AHRC, Collaborative Capacities


Adroddiad Digwyddiad Ymgynghoriad Cyfiawnder Rhyng-genedlaethol AHRC – Crynodeb (PDF)

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This summary document captures the different elements, discussions and action points taken from the intergenerational justice consultation event, facilitated by Collaborative Capacities.

Hosted by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, and facilitated by Collaborative Capacities, this was an all-day hybrid consultation event with the three primary objectives to:

  • explore what intergenerational justice means to the group and the public
  • define what we want intergenerational justice to mean and the impact we want it to have
  • map out how we might achieve that impact, defining short and medium term actions we can take as individuals, organisations, and collectively, working in collaboration

Participants were from a wide range of disciplines and organisations, including:

  • academics
  • practitioners
  • non-governmental organisations concerned with intergenerational dialogues
  • the public sector

A working definition for intergenerational justice was generated at this workshop, along with an impact statement and key messages for next steps.

These are illustrated in this report summary.

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