Professor Sue Rigby

AHRC Council member

Professor Sue Rigby is a member of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Council.

Sue is Vice Chancellor at Bath Spa University, a regional university with an arts and humanities focus. Prior to this role, she held senior leadership positions at the Universities of Lincoln and Edinburgh.

Sue chairs the Cultural Compact for the West of England and has developed a Cultural Strategy and Strategic Plan supported by the unitary and regional authorities alongside Arts Council England.

Sue has a background as an academic palaeontologist and has a national profile in learning and teaching. She sits on the Board of the Quality Assurance Agency and recently led a project to revise the credit framework for England, which is the base-code for degree design.

She is a strong advocate for creativity in education and sits on the boards of Project Trust and Mull Little Theatre. She chairs the Board of Trustees of Student Minds, a national charity focussed on student mental health and wellbeing.

Sue is an honorary fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge and an honorary Professor at The University of Edinburgh.

Last updated: 25 August 2023

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