Professor Pam Thomas

STFC Council member

Professor Pam Thomas is a member of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Council.

Pam is the recently appointed CEO of the Faraday Institution, the UK’s research organisation for mission-inspired research into Electrochemical Storage. She is also currently Pro Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of Warwick and is a Professor of Physics.

Professor Thomas leads the Ferroelectric Crystallography group in the Department of Physics at Warwick. She has published more than 160 peer-reviewed journal articles and two patents and has graduated over 20 PhD and MSc students. Her alumni hold staff positions at scientific facilities (Diamond, ISIS, ALS) and in academia worldwide (Israel, Germany, China, UK). She was educated at the University of Oxford, where she took a BA (Hons) in Physics and a DPhil on the subject of Optical Activity in Crystals in the Physical Crystallography Group of the Clarendon Laboratory.

Professor Thomas’ activities for the scientific community have been numerous including for the Institute of Physics, the Crystallographic Associations in the UK and Europe, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, STFC and ESRF. She was invited by the Minister for Universities and Science to lead a task-force on Open Research Data: their final report, ‘Realising the Potential’, was published in 2019. Professor Thomas has also served as trustee of the Turing (2016 to 2018) and of the Faraday Institution (2018 to 2020).

Last updated: 1 September 2023

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