Dr Karen Lewis

BBSRC Executive Director, Capability and Innovation

Dr Karen Lewis is Executive Director, Capability and Innovation at the Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

Karen studied for a degree in biology and PhD in microbiology. Before joining BBSRC, she worked in commercial research and development with both a small biotechnology company and a large corporate one. Karen has extensive experience within BBSRC, and the research councils in a broad range of research and innovation strategy areas. She has held a number of senior roles in what is now the BBSRC Capability and Innovation domain, including leading BBSRC business engagement activities, and establishing a knowledge exchange and commercialisation team.

More recently, Karen has also been involved in developing the BBSRC research and innovation campus strategy, working on BBSRC’s bioeconomy strategy, and ensuring these enable bioscience research to deliver benefit and impact for the UK.

As Executive Director, Capability and Innovation, Karen’s responsibilities include:

  • innovation strategy, particularly through research and innovation campuses and infrastructure
  • engagement
  • programmes supporting and enabling innovation and knowledge exchange including enabling the emergence of bioscience based businesses
  • high level skills developments in the biosciences – studentships and fellowships
  • representing BBSRC on the Rainbow Seed Fund, NRP Translational Fund and Plant Bioscience Ltd

Last updated: 21 September 2023

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