Professor Jon Butterworth

STFC Council member

Professor Jon Butterworth is a member of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Council.

Jon is Professor of Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at University College London (UCL). He grew up in Manchester, England and took his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at Oxford.

He then moved to DESY, Hamburg, to work for Pennsylvania State University on the ZEUS electron-proton collider experiment. He joined UCL in 1995 and was Physics Chair of ZEUS in 2003-2004. He now works on the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, where he has held a number of leadership positions.

At UCL he was vice-Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and was head of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2011 TO 2018. He was the UK delegate to the European Strategy for Particle Physics updates of 2013 and 2020, and is scientific advisor to the UK delegation at CERN Council.

His research focuses on measurements at high-energy colliders – and related software and phenomenology – probing the predictions of the Standard Model, and possible physics beyond it. He was awarded the Chadwick medal and prize of the Institute of Physics in 2013 for his pioneering experimental and phenomenological work in high energy particle physics, especially in the understanding of hadronic jets.

He has written many articles and two books about particle physics for the general reader.

Last updated: 1 September 2023

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