Professor Grahame Blair

STFC Executive Director, Programmes

Professor Grahame Blair is Executive Director, Programmes at the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and a member of the Executive Board.

The Programmes Directorate is responsible for the implementation of STFC’s science and technology strategy, including the research programmes in particle physics, astronomy, nuclear physics and accelerator R&D (including the STFC’s processes for peer review), as well as STFC’s programmes in education, training and public outreach and the external engagement programmes that help translate research in the universities into economic impact for the UK.

Grahame is Chair of the Associates of the ILL (Institut Laue Langevin) neutron source in 2017 (as he previously was in 2014) and also UK Head of Delegation to the ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility).

He is also currently Chair of FALC (international forum of Funding Agencies for Large Colliders) and is a member of the LHC Resource Review Board at CERN.

Grahame was previously Head of Department at RHUL’s Department of Physics where he managed the Centre for Particle Physics at RHUL and was Deputy Directory of the John Adams Institute for accelerator science, in collaboration with Oxford University and Imperial College London.

He has worked in the research fields of theoretical particle physics, experimental particle physics and accelerator physics.

Last updated: 5 September 2023

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