Board and panel outcomes – ESRC

UKRI publishes information about the funding decisions made by research council boards and panels.

This lets you find out how a grant application did compared with other applications assessed at the same board or panel meeting. It can also inform an organisation’s grant application activity and help improve the quality of applications.

About half of ESRC proposal decisions are made within five months of application, and around three quarters within six months.

Outcomes are published only when ESRC have processed all applications submitted for an opportunity. This can take from a few weeks to a few months for opportunities with a large number of applications.

Board and panel outcomes do not include applications that are:

  • reviewer rejects
  • office rejects
  • research organisation withdrawals.

This means you cannot use outcomes data to work out success rates for individual opportunities.

Further details about an awarded grant are published on Gateway to Research, which is updated monthly with newly awarded grants.

Outcomes and panel membership from 2018

ESRC panel outcomes and membership.

Outcomes before 2018

ESRC board and panel outcomes are not available before 2018.

Comparing funding cut-off points

We make funding decisions in circumstances unique to each panel meeting. You should not compare the funding cut-off points made in different meetings.

We cannot consider challenges to, or enquiries about, decisions based on these comparisons.

You must wait for official confirmation before making any commitments against your award.

Last updated: 7 June 2024

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