Borrow the Moon


How to apply to Borrow the Moon

Check availability

Bookings can now be made for the period from April to July 2025. Please note that all dates before this are already fully booked.

To check availability before completing the application form.



Before you complete the form, you must read our security information.

What happens next

If the dates you require are available, the loans coordinator will make a provisional booking and organise a visit to inspect your security arrangements.

If the security arrangements meet the required standard the borrower will be required to complete the necessary contract document. You are welcome to ask questions about the loan at any time.

If the dates you have requested are unavailable, the loans coordinator will contact you to discuss options.


At the end of the loan period the borrower should submit a short evaluation form to STFC.

Complete the evaluation form.

Last updated: 11 June 2024

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