Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the UK Energy System

Up to £400,000 of funding has been allocated to build upon the existing NERC-ESRC funded Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the UK Energy System (UKUH) programme.

The open call will fund projects that:

  • maximise the legacy and impact of the UKUH programme
  • advance the integration of socio-economic and geoscience research
  • provide opportunities to increase the equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) of the programme and support early career researchers (ECRs).

The ambitions of the open call will be delivered through:

  1. Funding an overarching socio-economic and geoscience nexus project of up to £25,000.
  2. Funding up to three large interdisciplinary projects each to a value of up to £70,000, for early career researchers.
  3. Funding up to eight small projects each to the value of up to £20,000.
  4. Allocating up to a total of £5,000 to fund up to five EDI ambassadors responsible for promoting EDI and supporting ECRs.

We encourage applicants out with the existing UKUH programme to apply for funding, as well as those who have existing contracts already funded through the UKUH programme.

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