Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: UK-South Korea biomedical and health researcher partnering awards

Apply for up to £50,000 MRC funding, and matched funding from NRF, to support partnering between research organisations across the UK and South Korea.

This initiative is aimed at strengthening links between high quality research teams in the UK and South Korea.

To apply, UK applicants must be in receipt of competitively awarded UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding.

MRC and NRF will jointly make approximately £500,000 available to fund up to five partnering awards. Funding will be comprised of:

  • up to £250,000 from MRC to support UK costs
  • up to 500 million South Korean won (KRW) from NRF to support Korean costs

We will support one-year awards.

Who can apply

We will accept the submission of joint applications between UK and Korean research partners. Your application must entail a jointly developed proposal submitted to both MRC (by the UK principal investigator) and NRF (by the Korean principal investigator).

Submissions to MRC must be written in English and submissions to NRF must be written in Korean and English.

Principal investigators

Your application must be made by a UK principal investigator who is eligible for MRC funding, and a Korean principal investigator who is eligible for NRF funding. However, there is no requirement for the principal investigator to directly participate in researcher exchange. For example, it may be a postdoctoral researcher employed on the principal investigator’s grant who will spend an extended period of time working in the partner’s laboratory. All researcher exchange plans and other partnering activities must be clearly described and justified in the application form.

The UK principal investigators, co-investigators, or both must be in receipt of an active UKRI grant that was awarded through a competitive, peer-reviewed process (for example, an MRC research grant, program grant, or fellowship). It is not a requirement that the Korean partners are directly involved (as co-investigators) on these active grant or grants, but the proposed partnership work to be delivered under this UK-Korea partnering scheme should complement or build on the competitively awarded active UKRI grant or grants.

Contract of employment

The UK applicant should have a contract of employment with the research organisation for the duration of the partnering award or assurance from the eligible organisation that, if the application is successful, a pre-existing contract of employment, will be extended beyond the end date of the grant.

Previous funding

Researchers who have previously been awarded an MRC Korea Health Industry Development Institute, or MRC-NRF UK-Korea partnering award are permitted to apply to this scheme, though please note these awards would not qualify as competitively awarded peer reviewed grants.

Guidance for applicants

For further details on eligibility, please see the UKRI website: check if you are eligible, as well as the MRC guidance for applicants. Full details of eligibility for NRF funding can be found in the guidance for applicants on the NRF website and Integrated Research and Development Information System website.

What we're looking for


The overarching aim of the UK and South Korea partnering awards scheme is to strengthen collaborative links, by providing resources to biomedical and health researchers in the UK and Korea, that will support research, and the movement of researchers, between research organisations across the two countries.

Your applications must demonstrate the ability to progress collaborative research activities, as well as enhance links, and strengthen sustainable partnerships between the UK and Korea through researcher mobility and other partnering activities.

The UK and South Korea partnering scheme is not restrictive in terms of the scientific focus of applications, provided they sit within MRC’s and NRF’s remits of biomedical and health research. We encourage interdisciplinary proposals and proposals that build on the national research strengths of the two countries.

We will support one-year awards. The programme of activities is not prescribed, but should be developed in collaboration, and address the specific needs of the partnership.


MRC will make individual awards up to £50,000 for one year. NRF will make individual awards up to 100 million KRW. Therefore, for joint applications, a total of £50,000 and 100 million KRW can be applied for.

What we will fund: UK

For UK based partners traveling to Korea, MRC funding is available to support the following costs for one or more UK investigators:

  • travel
  • accommodation
  • subsistence
  • visa fees
  • visits or access to facilities, including bench fees where necessary
  • consumables and other research costs (that are directly associated with the period of the researcher exchange)

MRC will pay the lead UK research organisation in arrears (at the end of the award).

What we will not fund: UK

On the UK side, these awards may not be used to fund:

  • salary costs
  • items of equipment
  • indirect and estate costs
  • conference attendance fees

For UK costs, no indirectly incurred costs can be applied for under the partnership award scheme. Consequently, full economic costing is not applied to these awards. You should therefore apply for 100% of the cost of the activities which you wish to undertake.

What we will fund: Korea

For Korea based partners NRF will support costs guided by the National Research and Development Innovation act. For more information on Korean eligible costs, please see the NRF website.

NRF will pay the successful Korean research organisation after the announcement of the outcome of the assessment process (at the beginning of the award).

Further funding

Where possible, you are encouraged to seek further sources of funding, providing details of this in your application. This could be directly from your institution or department, or an in-kind contribution, or both.

How to apply

We will accept the submission of joint applications between UK and Korean research partners. Applications must entail a jointly developed proposal submitted to both MRC (by the UK principal investigator) and NRF (by the Korean principal investigator).

Submissions to MRC must be written in English and submissions to NRF must be written in Korean and English.

UK applications

UK applicants should provide the following:

All documentation must be merged (in this listed order) and submitted as a single PDF to MRC. For more information on the required UK documents, please see the opportunity-specific guidance (PDF, 162KB).

Applications from the UK side must be sent to MRC at:

Korean applications

Korean applicants should submit both the UK documentation, as well as additional NRF required documents, using the Integrated Research and Development Information System (IRIS).

For more information on the required NRF documents, please see the funding opportunity announcement on the NRF and IRIS website.

How we will assess your application

Assessment criteria

On the Korean side, NRF will conduct an external peer review process.

On the UK side, MRC will conduct an internal assessment of applications received. The funding currently held by researchers will be used as evidence in the decision-making process. Internal assessment of these proposals allows partnering award applications to be processed swiftly and in proportion to the size of the awards.

All proposals will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • the value added to the existing collaboration
  • the scientific excellence and feasibility of proposed activities
  • the benefits and future joint research likely to accrue from the collaboration
  • the potential sustainability of the collaboration
  • the uniqueness of the opportunity and expertise of both partners
  • the career development opportunities presented through the exchange of researchers

Contact details

Get help with developing your proposal

Eligibility and administrative queries about this scheme should be addressed to:

UK enquiries: Tristan Fancourt


Korea enquiries: Seonghui Seo


Please include ‘UK-Korea Partnering Awards 2023’ in the subject line.

We aim to respond within five working days.

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