Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: STFC innovations partnership scheme fellowship

The innovations partnership scheme fellowship is open to any university that receives funding from the Science and Technology Facility Council’s core science programme.

The scheme supports a university in employing a knowledge exchange professional for up to four years to promote the commercial exploitation of that research and its benefits to other users.

We will fund 40% of the full economic costs of any proposal. The host institution is expected to fund the remaining 60%.

Who can apply

The innovations partnership scheme fellowship is open to any UK university in active receipt of funding from the STFC science programme. It can be a single-university or multi-institution fellowship.

What we're looking for

We are looking to support knowledge exchange and commercialisation professionals to transfer the technologies, skills and knowledge developed through Science and Technology Facilities Council research to industry and other potential users.

This includes technologies or ideas originating from our core funded areas:

  • nuclear physics
  • particle physics and particle astrophysics
  • astronomy and space science
  • accelerators and computing

The fellow should have:

  • a relevant science background
  • experience of technology transfer
  • an appreciation of the STFC science programme
  • understanding of potential applications and industrial users.

Fellows do not need to be identified at the time of application and can be recruited later.

The fellowship must be a full-time position for up to four years and focus on:

  • commercial exploitation and economic impact
  • knowledge exchange in the STFC-funded departments of the host university.

We will fund 40% of the full economic cost of the proposal. The host institution must show how the remaining 60% will be funded.

Funding can support:

  • salary
  • training and development specific to the role
  • travel including for collaborative visits, conferences, workshops, and symposiums.

See the full guidance for applicants (PDF 304KB).

How to apply

You should apply via the Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S). The application should be made by an individual at the lead university who is expected to be the fellow’s line manager.

You should attach the following documents to your application:

  • Je-S pro forma
  • case for support (six pages. See the guidance for applicants (PDF 304KB))
  • letter of support from technology transfer office
  • letter of support from any relevant heads of department
  • optional covering letter (covering letters will not been seen by external reviewers/the panel)
  • other (any document uploaded under “other” will not be seen by external reviewers or the panel)

We recommend you start your application early. You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later. When you submit the application, it will first go to your host organisation for review. Please allow sufficient time for this.

The process from submission deadline to decision normally takes about five months.

See the guidance for applicants for more information on how to apply (PDF 304KB).

How we will assess your application

Your application will be assessed by external reviewers and then reviewed by an independent panel made up of members from industry and academia. You will have the opportunity to respond to reviewers’ comments before the panel meeting.

Your application will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • mechanism for achieving objectives in knowledge exchange and commercialisation
  • potential for host university to exploit STFC-funded research
  • commitment of host university and technology transfer office to the fellowship and its objectives
  • support for the personal development of the fellow
  • value for money

See the guidance for applicants for more information (PDF 304KB).

Contact details

Wendy Carr, Senior Programme Manager

Ed Mansfield, Programme Manager

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