To submit an expression of interest to ADR England, use the guidance provided in the detailed guidance document (PDF, 216KB) (ADR UK website). Applications which meet all eligibility criteria will be invited to submit a full application.
Your expression of interest should include a summary of your idea and an outline of your objectives, engagement and outputs. Your summary must address the following points.
A succinct and compelling narrative in the form of an overarching strategic case in approximately 500 words to include these four subheadings.
Drivers for this proposal
The initiatives, reports, or policy agendas which this work will form a part. What particular social or economic problem(s) does the project seek to address?
The goals, the desired impact, and the timing of this work within that context.
What public authorities, interest groups, and research teams are or will be engaged with this work? Please also indicate if you already have any funding approved for this proposal.
How this work serves the public interest as defined in the research code of practice.
Your role
Why are you, or your team, well-positioned to do this work?
Why does your proposal fit with the scope of the ADR England strategy (PDF, 231KB) (ADR UK website)?
Statement of commitment
A statement of commitment that you can meet the essential requirements.
Yearly plan
Type of project, indicative costs, timeframes and deliverables.