Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) were established to pool national research efforts and foster the implementation of the European Research Area (ERA) to address grand societal challenges. JPIs are flexible intergovernmental partnerships with the aim of better aligning the research and innovation investments spent at the national level. They involve countries that voluntarily agree to work in partnership towards common visions encapsulated in strategic research and innovation agendas and implemented through joint activities.
The Belmont Forum is a group of funding agencies from around the world that support transdisciplinary, globally-representative research groups and coproduction or participatory methods to address various global environmental change topics. Topics are addressed through collaborative research actions (CRAs) and the cultural heritage and climate CRA is among three research funding opportunities that will be launched in 2023.
The funding opportunity results from a White Paper jointly developed and published in March 2022 by the two JPIs and from joint workshops held in June and September 2022 aimed at identifying and incorporating research priorities from Africa, the Americas and Asia.
Supporting documents
In addition to the attachments and documentation specified on the Belmont Forum website, all proposals seeking AHRC funding must also include an AHRC budget template and justification of resources. This template must be completed in GBP.
Budget and justification resources template (DOCX, 31KB)
Please note that this is supplementary to and does not replace any other budget information you are required to submit for the funding opportunity.