Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Prosperity partnerships: fourth round

How to apply

The outline stage for this call has now closed. You may only submit a full proposal if you were successful at the outline stage.

Successful applicants will be contacted directly with information about how to submit their full proposals. For any queries, please email


Prosperity partnerships are business-led research partnerships between leading UK based businesses and their long-term strategic university partners. This is a second part of an original fourth round call, set up after further funding was sourced to extend the round.

What we’re looking for

EPSRC are seeking to fund world class business-led research partnerships in low technology readiness programmes that will deliver economic, social and cultural prosperity for the UK.

Prosperity partnerships support existing, strategic, research-based partnerships between business and universities. They are an opportunity for co-investment in large-scale, long term, user-inspired basic research programmes at technology readiness levels one to three.

These partnerships must clearly address EPSRC’s delivery plan priority framework and, in particular, those aligned with delivering economic and social prosperity for the UK.

Prosperity partnerships programmes must build on the strategies of the business(es) and universities involved, and clearly articulate how the partnership will enable these to be delivered.

All prosperity partnerships must generate value in some form for the UK, for instance we anticipate that businesses will have an active research base and research and development presence in the UK, or clear plans to grow this in-line with the prosperity partnership.

As a co-investment opportunity, this call requires the business and university partners to commit substantial cash contributions to the programme, by matching the financial investment made in each award by EPSRC. Further information is available in the call document.

Supporting documents

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