Parallel submission of a joint UK-France proposal, with the same jointly agreed case for support, is required to both LABEX PasP (by French team) and to AHRC by the UK principal investigator’s research organisation.
The principal investigator in the UK will be responsible for submitting a joint UK-France proposal, written in English, through the Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S).
To be able to do this your host organisation must be registered for Je-S, and you must hold a Je-S account. If you are unsure about this, you should contact your research organisation’s research office for further guidance.
Applications should be submitted through the Je-S system by 5 October 2021 16:00, and will need to go through the appropriate institution submission process prior to this.
We recommend you start your application early. You can save completed details in Je-S at any time and return to continue your application later.
To prepare a proposal form in Je-S, log in to your account and choose ‘documents’ from the menu, then select:
- ‘new document’
- council: AHRC
- document type: standard proposal
- scheme: development grants
- call/type/mode: AHRC LABEX 5 October 2021
- ‘create document’.
Je-S will then create a proposal form, displaying the relevant section headings. Using the blue question marks and the ‘help’ link at the top of each section will provide guidance relevant to that section of the form.
The Je-S submission portal allows for only one principal investigator to be included in a proposal. For this AHRC-Labex opportunity, there is to be one principal investigator from the UK and one from France. On the Je-S form the principal investigator is therefore the UK principal investigator and the French principal investigator needs to be recorded as a co-investigator. Such terminology must be considered as a built-in system feature, and does not challenge the equal status and co-leadership of the UK and French principal investigators.
All investigators named on the Je-S application form, including the French primary investigator, must have a Je-S account. Where this doesn’t already exist, it can be easily set up, but please note that it can take a number of days so it is strongly recommended that the process be started well before the application deadline.
Je-S accounts can be created on the Je-S website. During account set up an account type of ‘an applicant on a standard/outline proposal’ must be selected.
If you require assistance with the process please contact the Je-S helpdesk at or +44 (0)1793 44 4164.
Proposals will need to show 100% of the full economic cost of the proposed UK elements of the research, with AHRC covering 80% of these. The costs of the French component will be submitted as an additional attachment. LABEX PasP will cover 100% of the French component.
International co-investigators (not including French principal investigators or French co-investigators)
For opportunities launched after 1 July 2021 UKRI are changing how international costs should be included in applications.
To enable UKRI to meet reporting requirements, all overseas costs incurred by non-UK organisations, must be entered into the ‘other directly incurred costs’ using the following format.
In the description box you should enter ‘organisation, country, cost category, cost description’.
The cost categories for this are:
- staff
- other directly incurred costs
- indirect costs
- travel and subsistence
- equipment.
For example:
- ‘University of Nairobi; Kenya; Staff; 1 x PDRA’
- ‘University of Nairobi; Kenya; Travel and Subsistence; 4 x flights’
- ‘University of Nairobi; Kenya; Other Directly Incurred Costs; 5 x Workshops including catering and accommodation’
- ‘University of Nairobi; Equipment; Name of equipment’.
All costs incurred by the international co-investigator, including salary costs will need to be listed as ‘exceptions’ under the ‘other directly incurred costs’ heading and entered using the naming format detailed above. For example, ‘University of Nairobi; Kenya; staff; 1 x international co-investigator’.
As well as the Je-S application form, the following documents outlined below must be submitted, unless it is indicated they are optional. General guidance on attachments is provided in AHRC’s research funding guide. Any guidance specific to this opportunity is provided below and takes precedence.
You should attach your documents as PDFs to avoid errors. They should be completed in single-spaced Arial 11 font or similar-sized sans serif typeface.
Case for support
Maximum seven pages. Eligible applications will contain the information below. Use the following section headings for the narrative:
- research questions or problems
- which opportunity-specific areas this project addresses
- how this project addresses the three cross-cutting considerations
- research context
- research methods
- project management and integration of UK and French components
- outputs, dissemination and impact.
Justification of resources
Maximum two pages.
A CV (maximum two pages) must be provided for every named researcher on the project.
Publications list
Summary lists of publications and research outputs should be attached as separate documents for each principal investigator and any co-investigators or named postdoctoral researchers.
These should cover major publications and outputs in the last five years and should be no more than one side of A4 paper. Brief articles, conference papers, and so on need not be included. You should asterisk those of particular relevance to your current research proposal.
A provisional budget for the French component of the project.
The template budget provided in ‘additional information’ for this opportunity should be used.
Project partners’ letters of support
Each project partner included in the Je-S form must provide a ‘project partner letter of support’, of no more than two sides of A4 or equivalent on headed paper, or by email in exceptional circumstances. The letter must therefore be dated within three months before submission of the proposal.
Data management plan
All projects with a digital aspect to their project must include a data management plan in their application. The digital aspect of the project, from the data management plan to the specific intended digital developments must be presented in detail. The resources and tools developed will systematically be placed in a data repository in keeping with FAIR principles and obligations regarding open access. In order to do this, LABEX PasP may rely on services and tools established by TGIR Huma-Num (Very Big Infrastructure HumaNum).
Optional one-page attachment.
International co-investigator head of department statements (not including French principal investigators)
If your proposal includes an international co-investigator, their institution must submit a head of department statement (please note this is not required for the Labex principal investigator.) The statement (maximum two sides of A4) should be signed, dated and on headed paper.
This statement must include the following information:
- what the international co-investigator is bringing to the project and why they are best placed to conduct the research
- how they will deliver the project’s objectives
- how their institution will support them during the lifetime of the project
- assurances that their contract will be in place for the duration of the project.
The letter should be dated and should be written when the proposal is being prepared. The letter should be targeted specifically to this project.
Additional requirement
A copy of the proposal and all other attachments submitted to the AHRC via Je-S must be submitted to LABEX PasP via secure email by 8 October 2021, 12:00 CET to Please allow sufficient time to complete this.
Please note that exactly the same information must be submitted to both the AHRC and LABEX PasP. No additional information submitted to LABEX PasP will be included in the assessment process.