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Engineering Healthier Environments: Micro Network and Micro Network Plus

Apply for funding to develop an interdisciplinary Micro Network or Micro Network Plus focused on developing new and existing collaborations within the topic of engineering healthier environments.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding.

Rocketry, Research, Teaching and Training PhD Hub (R2T2) cohort two

Apply for funding to The Rocketry, Research, Teaching and Training Hub (R2T2), funded by the UK Space Agency (UKSA).

This new funding builds on UKSA funding for cohort one, whose PhD programmes will start in October 2024.

UK-Canada sustainable critical minerals research partnerships

Apply for funding to collaborate with a Canadian Alliance Missions critical minerals project to develop UK-Canada partnerships supporting research to enhance resilience and sustainability of critical minerals supply.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for NERC funding.

Design Accelerators: round three

Apply for funding to undertake design-led solutions to address the climate crisis or net zero goals. Funding will be provided to support engagement activities with local communities, public and third sector organisations.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for AHRC funding.

Modelling environmental responses to solar radiation management

Apply for funding to carry out climate modelling to understand the impacts of solar radiation management (SRM) techniques if implemented at scale.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for NERC funding.

UKCenLS recommissioning 2025-30 (invite only)

This is an invite-only opportunity for funding to run one of the UK census longitudinal studies research support units.

Invitations have already been issued to applicants.

Addressing environmental challenges: NERC highlight topics 2024

Apply for funding to address one of five environmental research challenges.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for NERC funding.

We encourage multidisciplinary research and collaborations with other UK organisations, and applications from diverse groups of researchers.

Expression of interest: Research skills strategic leadership hub

Apply for funding to deliver a new strategic leadership hub that supports the development and delivery of research skills training and capacity building provision in the social sciences.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for ESRC funding.

Delivering training courses for environmental scientists 2024

Apply for funding to deliver training short courses within the NERC remit, focusing on areas of identifiable training need. Participants of the training do not need to be working on NERC-funded research.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for NERC funding.

BBSRC Follow-on Fund: 2024 round two

Apply for Follow-on Funding (FoF) to bridge the gap between bioscience research and achieving economic and societal benefit.

FoF applications must draw substantially on current or prior BBSRC funding.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for BBSRC funding.

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.