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Japan-UK joint opportunity in semiconductor research (JST-EPSRC)

This international joint funding opportunity will support research projects in the field of semiconductors. Projects will further develop and strengthen the network and research collaboration between researchers in the UK and Japan.

Your application must involve researchers from Japan and the UK.

UK-Canada sustainable critical minerals research partnerships

Apply for funding to collaborate with a Canadian Alliance Missions critical minerals project to develop UK-Canada partnerships supporting research to enhance resilience and sustainability of critical minerals supply.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for NERC funding.

MRC Centre of Research Excellence: round two: invited full application

Apply for MRC CoRE funding to tackle complex and interdisciplinary health challenges.

You must be invited to apply for this stage of the funding opportunity.

CCF-RED: shared technology transfer office functions pilot

Pilot funding to provide support for universities with smaller research portfolios and partners to develop models for shared technology transfer office functions around university spin-outs.

Manufacturing research hubs for a sustainable future three: outline

Apply for funding to establish a large-scale, multidisciplinary research hub in support of manufacturing, sustainability and net zero.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding.

Projects should address major, long-term challenges facing manufacturing industries.

BBSRC New investigator award: 2024 round three: responsive mode

Apply for funding for a research grant in any area within the remit of Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for BBSRC funding.

Technologies to enable independence for people living with dementia

Apply for funding to develop a NetworkPlus focused on the use and development of novel tools and technologies to enable people with dementia to live independently.

Networks should be multidisciplinary and embed people with lived experiences of dementia.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding.

BBSRC Standard research grant: 2024 round 3: responsive mode

Apply for funding for a research grant in any area within the remit of Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for BBSRC funding.

UKRI Digital Research Technical Professional Skills NetworkPlus

Apply for funding for a Digital Research Technical Professional (RTP) Skills NetworkPlus which brings together disciplines, sectors and domains to address cross-cutting challenges related to digital RTP skills and careers.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding.

Delivering training courses for environmental scientists 2024

Apply for funding to deliver training short courses within the NERC remit, focusing on areas of identifiable training need. Participants of the training do not need to be working on NERC-funded research.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for NERC funding.

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