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ESRC responsive mode: UKRI-SBE lead agency opportunity round two

The UKRI-SBE lead agency funding opportunity allows UK and US-based researchers to submit a collaborative proposal that will go through a single review process. Grants are funded through existing funding programmes at the relevant lead agency.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for ESRC funding.

ESRC responsive mode: working with Luxembourg researchers round two

This opportunity funds collaborative work with researchers in Luxembourg, governed by an agreement between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and FNR in Luxembourg.

You may submit collaborative research proposals in any area of social sciences within the remit of both ESRC and FNR.

EPSRC standard research grant, Nov 2023: responsive mode

You can apply for a research grant in any area within the remit of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

You must be based at an eligible UK research organisation.

ESRC responsive mode: research grants round two

This opportunity funds researcher-driven basic, applied, and strategic research from any disciplines and on any topics in ESRC’s remit, as long as the social sciences are more than 50% of the focus and effort.

You can be based at any eligible UK research organisation to apply for ESRC funding.

EPSRC discipline hopping in ICT, Nov 2023: responsive mode

This is an opportunity for information and communications technology (ICT) researchers to use their expertise in other disciplines, or for other researchers to apply their expertise to ICT.

You must be based at an eligible UK research organisation.

EPSRC overseas travel grant: Nov 2023: responsive mode

You can apply for an overseas travel grant in any area within the remit of EPSRC.

You must be based at an eligible UK research organisation.

EPSRC network grant: Nov 2023: responsive mode

You can apply for a network grant in any area within the remit of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

We will support costs of building interdisciplinary research communities.

You must be based at an eligible UK research organisation.

EPSRC working with overseas scientists: Nov 2023: responsive mode (invite only)

This is an opportunity for you to work with researchers in Ireland, Luxembourg, Brazil, and the US through EPSRC’s lead agency agreements.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding.

You must submit an expression of interest and have been invited to submit a full application to be eligible to apply.

EPSRC new investigator award: Nov 2023: responsive mode

This funding opportunity is for people who are establishing their own independent research vision.

You must be based at an eligible UK research organisation.

Mathematical sciences small grants

Applications to the Mathematical Sciences Small Grants funding opportunity must focus on original research projects.

This funding opportunity will follow a different assessment process to EPSRC’s responsive mode opportunities.

Standard EPSRC eligibility rules apply.

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