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Particle physics experiment opportunity for postdoctoral research assistants

Apply for funding to support new responsive postdoctoral research assistant (PDRA) posts in the area of experimental particle physics.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for STFC funding.

This round is intended to complement the 2021 consolidated grants (CG) programme.

Funding large or complex nuclear physics projects: outline proposals

Submit an outline proposal to develop a large or complex scientific project.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding.

You should address science questions within our nuclear physics programme:

  • nuclear structure
  • nuclear astrophysics
  • hadronic physics
  • nuclear physics theory.

Host a Hartree SME engagement spoke

Apply for funding to host a spoke as part of the Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation (HNCDI) small and medium enterprise (SME) engagement programme.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for STFC funding.

Set up a Rocketry Research, Training and Teaching Hub (R2T2)

Apply for funding to develop and deliver rocketry PhDs as part of the Rocketry Research, Training and Teaching (R2T2) Hub.

Research organisations must be eligible for STFC funding.

Science and technology projects: industrial CASE and CASE plus studentship

Apply for funding to provide training for a PhD student at your organisation.

You must be an eligible research organisation. Training must be provided jointly with a non-academic organisation.

The project must fall within the STFC core science programme in one of:

  • astronomy
  • solar and planetary science
  • particle physics
  • particle astrophysics and cosmology
  • nuclear physics
  • accelerator science.

Funding for short courses and summer schools: 2022 to 2023

Apply for funding to hold short courses, summer schools and online training resources in science or technology.

You must be from an STFC-accredited UK university or research organisation eligible for STFC funding.

Your short course, summer school or online training resource must:

  • be aimed primarily at STFC-funded PhD students
  • cover core research activity supported by the STFC studentships programme.

Support early technology development of basic technologies: capital funding

Apply for funding to support early technology development of basic technologies that will have an impact on UK science, society and the environment.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for STFC funding and be named on an active STFC grant.

Ernest Rutherford Fellowship: research core science independently

Apply for funding to run an independent research project. The project must be within the remit of the STFC core science programme.

You must:

  • be an early career researcher
  • not be in a permanent academic position.

You must hold a PhD and have clear leadership potential.

Future Leaders Fellowships: round seven

This scheme is for early career researchers and innovators who are either:

  • looking to establish or transition to independence
  • developing their own original and ambitious plans within a commercial setting.

We are offering funding to support ambitious research or innovation programmes across UKRI’s remit.

You must be based at, and have the support of, an eligible academic or non-academic institution.

Early stage research and development scheme

Apply for funding to support low technology readiness levels with a focus on development in the Particle Physics, Astronomy and Nuclear Physics community.

You must be eligible to hold UK Research and Innovation grants and be from an approved organisation.

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.