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Artificial intelligence innovation to accelerate health research

Apply for funding to develop innovative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to be applied to health challenges.

Proposals from multidisciplinary teams are welcomed within priority areas in AI for health from across the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) remit.

To lead an application, you must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding.

Explore the requirements of exascale software for UK science

Apply for funding to explore emerging exascale software and algorithms requirements for UK science.

Up to 5 awards will be made for 18 months.

You can be from any area of the UK research community. You do not need to be a researcher working within EPSRC’s remit.

UKRI Centres for Doctoral Training in artificial intelligence

Apply for funding for a Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) focused on the applications and implications of artificial intelligence (AI).

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding and have been successful at the outline stage.

Proposals are welcomed within priority areas addressing UK training needs in novel and existing AI technologies across the remit of UKRI.

BBSRC-STFC facility access funding for bioscience partnerships

Apply for funding to support UK business and bioscience academic partnerships in accessing and benefitting from STFC skills, expertise, capabilities, and world class facilities to find solutions to industrially-relevant challenges.

You do not need an academic partner to submit an expression of interest, but it is required for the full proposal stage.

Nuclear physics consolidated grants: 2023

Apply for funding to support nuclear physics research.

You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for STFC funding and a member of the nuclear physics community.

Stephen Hawking Postdoctoral Fellowship

Apply for a postdoctoral fellowship focusing on a range of disciplines in the area of theoretical physics with the aim of reflecting Stephen Hawking’s work in bringing science into popular culture.

An eligible UK research organisation must host you during your fellowship.

Legacy awards for STFC public engagement grants follow-on funding

Apply for Legacy award funding to continue your programme to improve public engagement in science and technology.

You must have previously received funding through STFC public engagement awards.

Your previous award grant must have finished within the past 36 months.

Leadership of STFC related public engagement activity and culture

Apply for a fellowship in the leadership of engaging the public with STFC-supported science, technology or facilities.

You must be:

  • from the academic, engineering or technical community
  • working within STFC’s remit
  • based at an eligible UK research organisation.

Nucleus awards for public engagement with STFC’s programme

Apply for funding to engage the public with STFC-supported science, technology or facilities.

You must work for an organisation that:

  • is based in the UK
  • has audited accounts.

Proposals must include a researcher in an STFC-funded area.

Engage the public with science, technology or facilities: Spark Awards 2022 round two

Apply for funding to engage the public with STFC-supported science, technology or facilities.

Your project must involve at least one researcher in an STFC-funded area. It must also focus on an area within STFC’s remit.

This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services.