Outline proposal
You must outline your proposal on one side of A4 and send this to urgencygrants@nerc.ukri.org for approval. This must be no later than four weeks after the environmental event first occurs.
Your outline proposal must include:
- a brief description of the opportunity
- justification for the urgency
- brief objectives and methods of your proposed research
- a list of the organisations and investigators involved
- a proposed start date and duration
- potential reviewers you would like to nominate.
After approval, you must apply through the Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system within 10 working days.
Full proposal document requirements
To reduce unnecessary bureaucracy, this funding opportunity has been designed to require minimal documentation.
Proposal form
A proposal form (Je-S proforma) must include an estimated high-level costs summary.
Any significant collaborators (from outside of the research organisation) should be named and their role described in the ‘partnership details’ section of the form.
Case for support
This must be a maximum of three sides of A4 and include the following.
Description of the proposed research
This must be no more than two sides of A4. The description of the proposed research must include justification for the urgency and a strategy for taking the research forward after the urgent phase is completed.
A brief paragraph outlining the data management plan should also be included (ODMP).
Narrative capability to deliver
This must be no more than one side of A4. The narrative capability to deliver must describe your team’s skills and capability to deliver, demonstrating the ability of the team to successfully execute the proposed project, and share outcomes and understanding from the research in a timely manner.
Technical assessment, facility form or quote
Where relevant, you should submit technical assessments, facility forms or quotes with the proposal.
The quotes will not be made available to reviewers or moderators. Items of equipment costing more than £10,000 may not be requested through the urgency grant scheme.
Proposal cover letter
This attachment does not go out to reviewers or moderators, so should not be used except to flag up a significant issue to the NERC office. This attachment should be used to declare any relevant interests.
See the NERC handbook (paragraph 133) for required format of documents.
What you must not submit
Justification of resources
You must not submit a justification of resources. Costings for successful projects will be checked and further information may be requested before the grant can be awarded.
You must not submit a CV. Information relevant to the investigators should be included in the one side narrative capability to deliver in the case for support.
Letters of support (for project partners or others)
Detailed information on support offered by project partners is not required. They must, however, be named in the project partners section of the Je-S proforma. Their contribution to the project can be explained briefly in the case for support where required.